
Formerly known as Calicut, Kozhikode is located in Kerala. It was the Capital of Malabar during the Zamorin rule 500 years ago and is famous for its centuries-old trade in cotton and spices with Jews, Arabs, Phoenicians and Chinese. Basking in the idyllic setting of the serene Arabian Sea on the west and the proud peaks of the Wayanad hills on the east, this district with the serene beaches, lush green countryside, historic sites, all combine to make Kozhikode a popular tourist destination.

Vasco da Gama had set his foot on the remote beach of Kappad in Kozhikode in 1498 and 'Discovered India' and established spice trade routes with the west. Kozhikode city is the marketing centre for commodities like pepper coconut, coffee, rubber, lemongrass oil etc., produced in Kozhikode and the neighbouring districts

Things to do

  • Kayaking
  • Boating
  • Walk through beach
  • Finger licking sweets
  • blend of villege and town experience
  • Portugal hystory
  • Fishing

Major attractions

Kozhikod beach
Kozhikod beach

This beach is renowned for the sunsets that tourists throng here to enjoy. Though the water is muddy and not suitable for swimming, still the stunning view of the Arabian Sea that the lighthouse offers more than compensates for the shortcoming.


his place provides tranquility to the visitors which is much sought after as one wants to escape the chaotic city life. It is a beautiful park covered with lawns, traditional buildings, a musical fountain, and an open-air theatre. This park is built around a man-made lake known as Mananchira lake.

Kakkayam dam
Kakkayam dam

Kakkayam Dam is a famous picnic spot around Kozhikode because of its scenic beauty and plenty of choices for outdoor activities. Take a peek at the varieties of animals and birds that inhabit the place. Or take a boat ride along the dam and see the small waterfalls and dense forests that surround the dam