K-Means Clustering Output

After merging order_id and user_id:

  1. merging rows

Load the products csv file data:

  1. products csv

Load the aisles csv file data:

  1. aisles csv

Print shape of aisles:

  1. aisles shape

Merge the aisle_id,product_id,order_id rows of products, orders and aisles:

  1. merging rows aisle product order

Top 10 rows in the products list:

  1. top 10 products

Length of total number of unique products list:

  1. unique products

Shape of prior data:

  1. unique products

Length of total number of unique aisles data list:

  1. unique aisles

Fresh fruits and fresh vegetables are best selling top two products in the products list:

  1. best selling

Perform cross tabulation or contingency tables of customer products with user_id and aisle_id:

  1. cross tabulation

Shape of customer products:

  1. shape of cust_product

Perform Principal component analysis (PCA) on customer products from sklearn.decomposition import PCA:

  1. pca

Plot cluster of class 1 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt:

  1. cluster

Provide random centers for each clusters:

  1. day of week vs hour

Predict the one hundred fifty data points for generating clusters:

  1. predict 1 to 150 data points

Plot clusters belonging to class 1, class 2,class 3 and class 4:

  1. predict 100 data points

Plot sub plots of each clusters belonging to different classes :

  1. sub plots

Top 10 products belonging to cluster 0:

  1. cluster 0

Top 10 products belonging to cluster 1:

  1. cluster 1

Top 10 products belonging to cluster 2:

  1. cluster 2

Top 10 products belonging to cluster 3:

  1. cluster 3

Top 10 products belonging to cluster 4:

  1. cluster 4

A first analysis of the clusters confirm the initial hypothesis that are products which are genereically bought by the majority of the customers:

Ratio of purchasing orders of most frequently bought products:

  1. ratio of purchasing orders

Percentage of purchasing orders of most frequently bought products:

  1. Percentage of purchasing orders