A Card Game


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One of my recent assignments in one of my classes was to develop a card game. Not surpisingly, this wasn’t an easy task. The game was to be for two or more players and had to involve a deck of cards and one other object.

I didn’t come up with a good name for the game I came up with, but I think it’s half decent, especially given a week to create it.

To play the game you’ll need a deck of cards and a set of tokens for each player. The tokens are used to mark which player controls a card. These could be poker chips, beads, coins, or anything else. You may need up to 25 per player.

Give it a try and let me know how it is or if any of the rules are confusing.



25 cards are placed in a five by five grid from a shuffled deck of playing cards, each player is dealt four cards, and the rest of the deck is placed face down. Each player picks a color of game pieces


Players compete to control more cards than their opponents by the end of the game.


  • Players take turns and try to control as much of the grid as possible.
  • Each turn a player has three options.
    • Switch two adjacent cards on the board, vertically or horizontally.
    • Replace a card in the grid with one from their hand. The initial card is placed in a discard pile or left underneath the new card. The player picks up a card from the deck to keep four cards in their hand.
    • Pick up a new card from the deck and discard one from their hand.


  • If a player makes a set of three or more cards in a row they place their pieces onto those cards. A set includes cards of the same number or consecutive cards of any suit.

  • After a card has been claimed by a player it is frozen and can not be moved or replaced except by a higher card which completes a set.
  • If someone replaces a card in a set with a higher number card, creating their own set, the rest of the initial set still belongs to the player who created it, but the replaced card is now controlled by the other player.
  • If a card within a set is included in another players set that card is claimed by that player regardless of the sets value.
  • If a player extends a set (e.g. from three to four cards) the whole set belongs that player.
  • When there are no more cards in the deck, each player takes one additional turn and the game ends.
  • The player with the most cards claimed at the end of the game wins.


I also made a graphic (full-size image) of the better part of the game with some brief explanations. It might make things a little clearer.


  • hinarthur

    Excellent idea!!!!
    Just a few questions needed to be clarified~
    1. If there is one move which can create a set horizontally and vertically, both count?
    2. Ranking is from Ace to 2?
    3. And so deuce and Ace is not consecutive?
    4. When there is no more cards in the deck, should players have option to “pass”? Or player MUST either switch or replace cards?

    That should be it~
    Hope you can figure out a nice name!
    I love this game very much!!

    Hope you will invent more interesting games!!
    Thx again~

  • tony

    Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed my game.

    1. If a player creates more than one set with one move they both count.
    2. Aces can be high or low but not both. A set cannot go King-Ace-two.
    4. Players can pass on the last turn. Sometimes there are no possible moves left for a player.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • hinarthur

    Hi hi, me again!
    one more question for you~

    If Aces can be high or low, then when Ace is claimed, which rank can replace it?
    Can deuce replace a claimed Ace? Can King replace a claimed ace? How about a seven…?

  • tony

    When an ace is part of a set if it is preceding a two in a run or in a set of all aces it can be replaced by any card. If it is following a king it can not be replaced.

  • hinarthur

    Tony, 3 questions these time…

    1. Does the sequential set have to be in right order? For example 5->7->6
    2. For replacing card and switching card, can player take these actions even if the action cannot cause any set directly?
    3. In case the 25 cards are all high cards, not much legal move is possible. I have experienced many times that there still remain many cards in the deck but no more move is possible… But if the above 2 movements mentioned above are allowed. That might go smoother.

    Thanks again for you effort!!
    Btw, how’s the process for naming the game?