Programmers have many languages at their disposal, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses and are most useful for particular applications. However, most of them have very similar structures. In order to communicate ideas between languages, to sketch out how a program should be structured, or even to explain the function of a program to non-programmers, scripts can be written in “pseudo-code.” This is just a fancy term for fake code which mimics the structure of code in simple easily understood terms. Pseudo-Code is written to be read by humans rather than computers, but still follows certain conventions.

A simple Pseudo-Code could look like this:

<variable> = <expression>

if <condition>
    do stuff
    do other stuff

while <condition>
    do stuff

for <variable> from <first value> to <last value> by <step>
    do stuff with variable

function <function name>(<arguments>)
    do stuff with arguments
    return something

<function>(<arguments>)    // Function call

Explaining scripts on this site I will give both the code itself and generalized pseudo-code so anyone working in any code or even just trying to glean a basic understanding won’t worry about having to figure out a particular syntax.