
Power of Knowledge Group.

Published on: 26-05-2023


W are not just something you say but they are a projection of your vibrations.

Example - constant chanting in a temple - you feel peaceful vibes. Experiment with plant - say bad things to one plant and good things to another (positive one bloomed - negative one died) Our words can have an impact on others as well as our own bodies . We need to Raise our vibrations - as the universe is also listening. We need to be the radiator of power .

When someone asks how are you?
Say I am doing great - I am doing amazing - your body and mind are listening too. Doctor asked Dada Bhagwan how are you? Their reply was - “ I am better than u” Example: In a playground - 2 children were playing on monkey bars . One mother told her child “Don't fall , don't fall “and the other told her child - “hold on, hold on” -the universe and the child’s subconscious caught “fall”, and the child fell on the other hand the child who heard “hold on” - kept holding on. Your words have an impact on the entire universe. If you are Rude to someone - today or tomorrow it will come back to you in some way through an unexpected source. We don't realize the impact of those rude or harsh words . Words are like a sword. The Tongue is like a match stick - it can set the whole forest ablaze . Same way with your tongue/ words a whole lot of problems can be created . We are free to speak but once spoken we are bound to face the consequences of ur own words. If you curse another person, it will come back to you! So be careful what you speak. Gossiping also adds to your karma . Raise the quality of your conversations .
Analyze -
- is it the truth?
If true then how are u saying it ? -what is ur tone ?
- is it the right timing ?
- is it beneficial ?

Power of words poem (photo)
- How u greet - make someone’s day by saying nice things - bend ones mind -Manthra manipulates Kaikeyi’s mind because of which Lord Ram went into exile for 14 yrs - words can manipulate someones mind. -Dadajis says “know the truth and the truth will set you free” You can be enlightened with words from a true Guru. Dada Bhagwan and Meera Bhagwan enlighten us with their words and knowledge. Words don’t only hurt in the present but even years after they are said - they act as missiles that can pierce the heart. The Tongue has no bones but has the power to break bones. Swami Vivekananda - with one speech could create a revolution I. The youth. Words of encouragement - free of thought and anxiety - freedom from mind and body. Words can push one to heights - words give us a morale boost. Words help differentiate wrong from right. Words can make u weak.

Words - when someone projects their negativity / frustration on you- you have a choice not to take it in. Words before they are spoken are in our control, Once spoken - have to bear its consequences - which are completely out of our control. God May forgive you, but your own nervous system will not. Contrast - one person make big deal - another person says not a big deal - need to understand perspective Everyone’s capcity of understanding words is different . We have to be understanding of another person’s perspective as well.

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