
Power of Knowledge Group.

Published on: 25-08-2023


C oming straight to the topic of fear, it's an emotion similar to happiness, sadness, and anger. However, one of the core emotions we are born with is fear. But what is fear? Fear is the response of our sympathetic nervous system to situations we are not prepared for. When faced with something new, fear arises. So, is fear bad?

The brain has an alarm system that activates whenever there seems to be any sort of danger. This alarm system is fear, which makes us alert. When confronted with fear, we have two options: to fight it or to flee, which means running away from the fear. The decision to face or run away from fear depends on acknowledging and analyzing the situation. We must consider if running away will save us, or if facing the situation will lead to danger or growth. Fear often hinders our personal growth as we are scared to speak or venture beyond our comfort zones.

The most important thing is the power of knowledge. Knowledge guides us to make decisions. Why does the brain cause fear? Because fear triggers a survival mode. Just like a mosquito flies away to survive when we try to kill it, all of us have this fear ingrained in us to ensure our survival. Imagine if the mosquito didn't fly away, it would die easily and won't be able to survive. Similarly, in our case, we have to decide when to fly or when to fight.

Sometimes fear is magnified in our minds, making the problem seem bigger and scarier than it actually is. However, you just have to face it, and often you'll realize it was just a piece of cake. Remember the tagline of Mountain Dew: "Dar ke aage Jeet hai" (Beyond fear lies victory). Whenever you face your fear, you overcome it and find success. Avoiding trying due to fear makes success impossible, but if you make an effort, there's a 90% chance you will succeed.

You can overcome fear with faith. Believe that you'll be alright, and have the confidence to face your fears, knowing that your higher power is taking care of you. Fear is an emotion, but being afraid is a choice. If you allow your mind to magnify the fear, you'll be scared, but if you can rationalize and calm yourself down, you'll realize that the situation might not be as serious as your mind portrays it.

Fear is not always a negative emotion; it can be a good thing when it protects you from harm. However, overcoming fear and reaching new heights is also commendable. It's essential to think before reacting, and there are different kinds of fear throughout life. As children, we fear whether we are loved by our parents, and as we grow older, we fear exam results. Often, some fears are not worth worrying about and can make us sick. Nervousness and low self-esteem arise from fears of judgment and exclusion, leading to depression and even trauma in the long run.

There is a very common term, FOMO, which stands for "fear of missing out." It is one of the greatest fears prevalent nowadays. The desire to experience everything makes me want to be aware of every event. However, it's alright not to know everything since it's impossible to be perfect at everything. We shouldn't try to be a "Jack of all trades and master of none," as we can't excel in every aspect of life. Instead, it's essential to remain calm, relax, and take life as it comes. Having a Guru in life serves a purpose. A Guru imparts two vital qualities: fearlessness (Nirbhayta) and humility (Namrata). They teach us to have control, say no when necessary, and develop inner strength through humility.

Fear resides at the subconscious level, arising from past memories and the unknown future. We worry about what might happen if we fail or face certain situations. However, in satsang, we learn to live in the present, which is the main cause of fear. By consciously bringing ourselves into the present, we can confront our fears more effectively.

Every time you experience something negative in your past, a cellular memory is created. It influences how you deal with similar situations in the future. For example, if you have a strong fear of water, you'll always feel afraid to swim. However, you can rewrite this memory and overcome your fear by taking small steps and facing it consciously. When confronting your fear, you'll likely realize that it's not as daunting as you imagined. There are different types of fears to overcome. One significant fear is based on events that haven't happened yet, like driving in the rain and worrying about accidents. These are creations of the mind, and reminding yourself that you are safe can help diminish these fears. Shedding light on your fears and bringing them into consciousness is crucial for overcoming them.

In times of uncertainty, people often succumb to fear, but having faith and willpower can save you. Auto-suggestion is another helpful technique. Remind yourself that perfection isn't necessary every time, and detaching yourself from the outcome can alleviate unnecessary anxiety.

Practicing breathing techniques and meditation can slow down your mind and calm your fears. Remember, God is always with you, and surrendering to that belief can bring confidence and peace. Drop excessive desires, as they often lead to fear of failure. Trust in God's presence, and fear will lose its hold on you. You are a child of God, and with courage, you can face any fear. God is always by your side, so there's no reason to fear. Have unwavering faith, and you'll find strength and protection in difficult times. Be brave, and nothing can harm you.

There will be a lot of duality in life, encompassing aspects such as death, happiness, sadness, comfort, insult, and praise. All of these qualities are part of life, so it is important to maintain a balance amidst this duality. We should remain the same whether experiencing sadness or happiness, birth or death, discomfort or comfort. Guruji and teachers guide us on how not to become excessively happy or too sad. Now, we must follow the neutral path, as learning to balance in life is crucial for achieving our desired direction. We must let go of the past and embrace neutrality and balance. You are the captain of your life, with control over the direction it takes. Guruji can provide guidance if we are headed in the wrong direction, but ultimately, the decision to change rests with us. Think of your life as a boat with you as the captain; your decisions determine the direction you sail. Similarly, your body is like another metaphorical boat, separate from your true self. Sometimes, life's challenges come in strong waves, and Guruji teaches us how to navigate them. Remember, you are the captain of your ship, and you should row gently, not forcefully. There will always be two paths in front of us, and whichever path we choose may involve depression or sadness. It is essential to learn how to face these challenges with consciousness and awareness.

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