
Power of Knowledge Group.

Published on: 23-06-2023


O ur topic for today is life. When this topic arises, everyone's interpretation of it is likely to be different. Kids may think life is full of homework and play, teenagers may associate life with friends, enjoying a cup of coffee, and witnessing beautiful sunsets. Later on in life, it becomes about settling down, finding financial security, and eventually, it revolves around raising and ensuring the well-being of our children. So, life holds different meanings for each individual at different stages. However, if we look at life from a spiritual perspective, what does it truly mean? When we refer to life, we are referring to the entirety of it, as a series of changeable events. Life is constantly changing; it is not a singular thing, but rather a process that we must live through.

If we compare a photograph of ourselves as a kid to our present selves, we will notice numerous physical changes. We may feel that the person we were back then and the person we are now are completely different. Life is a continuous series of constant changes; it is always evolving. Every minute, there is a new definition of life, always presenting something new for us to experience. During certain periods, we may feel that homework is important, while at other times, family or work takes priority. However, when we consider life as a whole, it is an ever-changing sequence of events. Our priorities, perspectives, and everything else in life are in a constant state of flux.

Let's take the example of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. The process of change may appear painful, but once it becomes a butterfly, it gains the ability to fly. Life presents similar changes that we may not always be prepared for, making us feel lost or stuck. During such times, having a guru or mentor becomes crucial. A guru works like Google Maps, guiding us and showing us the right direction in life. They also warn us when we are on the wrong path, constantly providing guidance and suggesting alternative routes.

Whether we choose to follow the right path or not is ultimately our decision. As we discussed earlier, life is constantly changing, and the guru teaches us to adapt to these changes. Today may be beautiful, but tomorrow will bring something different. Situations around us are always changing, and if we become rigid and resist change, we are like a tree in a storm that falls first. On the other hand, grass is flexible and bends with the direction of the wind. The guru teaches us not to be rigid like a tree but to be like the grass—learning to adjust and bend ourselves according to the circumstances.

Often, we try to change the scenarios around us, but that is not always within our control. What we can change is our reaction to the situation. Our guru teaches us not to change our face but to face the change itself. When something changes in our life or doesn't go as planned, we may instantly feel upset, sad, extremely happy, or express emotions such as crying or anger through our facial expressions. However, in such situations, the guru advises us to maintain composure, face the change with courage, and remember that we have our "Google Maps" guiding us. With this guidance, there's no need to be afraid, as we know our destination. Life is meant to change, and we don't have to be happy all the time. Circumstances are always changing, and we need to adapt to these changes.

To quote Charles Darwin, "It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

We cannot control the changes that are happening outside, but we can control the inner changes occurring within us. We can change our reactions and our way of speaking and living. We have control over our behavior and our actions. All of these things are within our power. So, instead of trying to change the external circumstances, we should focus on changing ourselves. Otherwise, we become increasingly sad and angry.

One of the biggest fears that most of us have is the fear of aging or losing loved ones. These changes are inevitable and part of life. We are afraid of losing someone we depend on. However, it's important to realize that nothing truly dies. It's just a change in form. Our physical bodies may perish, but our essence continues to exist. Understanding this truth about death can help us find peace.

Death is simply a transformation of our physical form. If we comprehend this truth about life, we will be able to live life to the fullest without being affected by change. Therefore, having a Guru in our life is crucial for living a fulfilled life. Now that we have this precious human life, do we truly value it?

We could have been born as insects, dogs, or cockroaches. The reason we have received this human life is far more significant. Even animals drink, eat, produce offspring, and care for their young ones before eventually dying. So, why have we been granted this human life? It is considered the highest form of life. We have been given this life to attain inner peace.

As humans, we have the power of reasoning and the ability to find peace of mind through all the circumstances that occur in our lives. We can still be at peace, regardless of the external situations. What is your goal in life? What is your purpose? The purpose of life is peace of mind, not money.

Just like a fish finds peace in water and not in honey, even if you place the fish in the most expensive alcohol, it will only find peace in water. Similarly, in life, we chase after various things, constantly changing our minds. Sometimes we chase after money or other desires. However, we forget that we can only truly thrive in life if we have peace of mind. So, no matter where we are in life, our first priority should be to attain peace of mind. Only then can we go on to achieve whatever we desire, but always ensuring that we maintain that inner peace. With peace of mind, we can survive and thrive in any situation.

There will be a lot of duality in life, encompassing aspects such as death, happiness, sadness, comfort, insult, and praise. All of these qualities are part of life, so it is important to maintain a balance amidst this duality. We should remain the same whether experiencing sadness or happiness, birth or death, discomfort or comfort. Guruji and teachers guide us on how not to become excessively happy or too sad. Now, we must follow the neutral path, as learning to balance in life is crucial for achieving our desired direction. We must let go of the past and embrace neutrality and balance. You are the captain of your life, with control over the direction it takes. Guruji can provide guidance if we are headed in the wrong direction, but ultimately, the decision to change rests with us. Think of your life as a boat with you as the captain; your decisions determine the direction you sail. Similarly, your body is like another metaphorical boat, separate from your true self. Sometimes, life's challenges come in strong waves, and Guruji teaches us how to navigate them. Remember, you are the captain of your ship, and you should row gently, not forcefully. There will always be two paths in front of us, and whichever path we choose may involve depression or sadness. It is essential to learn how to face these challenges with consciousness and awareness.

Our Guruji's mantra is "shukrana" and "muskurana," which means that we need to be genuinely happy and thankful to God at all times. We should find joy in life and not burden ourselves with unnecessary stress. No matter what the external circumstances are, our Guruji always tells us to thank God because He has a better plan for all of us. Even in the Bhagavad Gita, it is written, "Prasannchit Wale Ko main shighra hi Darshan deta hun," which means that when you are truly happy, God is present. We should strive to be genuinely happy, regardless of the situation. Although we cannot change the outer circumstances, we can change our reactions to them. We should not fear the future because our God is with us, and with faith, we can find strength and happiness in every situation.

Life is like a dream, an illusion. Our Guruji always emphasizes "Jagat mithya, Brahma Satya," meaning that the world is like an illusion, constantly changing, while the truth remains constant. When we are dreaming, we believe the dream to be real, but upon waking up, we realize it was just a dream. Similarly, when we live our lives, we perceive them as real and happening to us. However, Guruji comes and wakes us up, reminding us that life is like a dream.

"Arise, awake, and stop not till your goal is achieved." Don't perceive life as real; it is akin to a dream. If I were to ask you about your life, you would introduce yourself and perhaps share a brief overview of your childhood, which would take a few minutes at most. Despite living for 30 or 40 years, you can summarize your life in just a few hours. Life is like a play; observe and experience it.

Whatever situation there is in our life, whether good or bad, it will always pass. You will not always have happy scenarios, nor will you always be in sad situations. This is another thing that Guruji says: "This too shall pass." Life is just a passing show. What we need to do is watch it like a spectator without getting attached to it. We need to realize that we are the creators of the dream play and not get stuck in this illusion. Life is like a dream.

Our Guruji tells the story of Raja Janak, a king who had a dream. Despite living a life of riches and luxury, one day he dreamed of being a beggar, hungry and desperately begging for food. After a great struggle, he finally managed to get a little porridge, but just as he was about to eat it, a dog came and took it away. Raja Janak woke up in turmoil and called all the saints and learned men of his kingdom. He didn't tell them what he had seen, but simply asked, "Is this the truth or that the truth?" No one could answer this question except for one child, Ashtavakra, a 12-year-old boy with eight twists in his body. He said, "This is not true, and that is also not true." He meant that the dream was not true, and neither was reality. Both were just illusions. In conclusion, a true Guru comes and wakes us up from the dreamy state. When we believe that our life is real and everything happening around us is real, in reality life is an illusion. It is a passing show.

If you adopt the behavior of accepting everything in your life, you will live life to the fullest. There are two principles to live life to the fullest. First, live your life as if today is your last day. If today were your last day, would you waste it or hold grudges? Would you be rude to anyone? No, you would be kind and nice and not waste time. The second principle is to live as if you are going to live forever. Would you be scared of living if you were going to live forever? Any problem that comes in your life would seem insignificant because you are going to live forever. These two principles may seem contradictory, but they make great sense. We have to think about it. Live as if it's your last day, meaning live in the present moment and don't dwell on the past or future. Live happily in this moment. The second principle is to live as if you will live forever, so don't waste time worrying about future challenges and problems. Face them with a positive attitude and behavior towards life. Don't hold on to fears or be scared of the future, and all your problems will seem insignificant and small because you know you are going to live on forever.

We often think that we are human beings going through a spiritual experience, but the truth is that we are spiritual beings going through a human experience. Whatever problems we face are insignificant and small. If we keep these two principles in mind, we need to value this human form of life. Life, in general, is very rare, and not everyone gets it. If we have a Guru in our life, we should make the most of it and value this human life. Don't waste it.

Sometimes we say we are killing time or we are bored, but we don't realize that time is actually killing us. We waste our lives on trivial and insignificant things, burdening ourselves with the weight of life. Instead, accept whatever comes and move forward. With the grace of God, we will reach a beautiful destination.

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