The goal of this page is to identify the outstanding issues that must be addressed by Artemis in order to achieve some level of feature parity with ActiveMQ 5.x. The overall objective for working toward feature parity between ActiveMQ 5.x and Artemis is for Artemis to eventually become ActiveMQ 6.x. This page exists so that we can work together as a group to achieve this goal. Work in Progress This page is a work in progress and will be updated frequently. Using this pageFeature items can be listed, with links to JIRA tickets for longer conversation and hashing out specific feature details Features/ScenariosThis section should be used to identify all the ActiveMQ 5.x features that Artemis needs. This should include all Artemis features that we can identify, including those from ActiveMQ that Artemis has already implemented. This will help us to more clearly track everything that Artemis needs.
Advisory Support
Broker Clustering
Destination Interceptors
Destination Features
Plugin Support
Storage Backend
MigrationThis section should help to answer the end user question, 'How do I migrate from ActiveMQ 5.x to Artemis?'. This should include the identification of any tools that can help make this easier, as well as documenting information and procedures specific to migrating.
WishlistProtocol features
KahaDB Migration Tool
Over-the-wire migration tool