Materialize Admin Theme Updates Logs.

  • v 3.1

    Minor Fixes
  • Enhancement
    • Added a custom.scss file for making custom changes using SCSS.
  • Bug fix
    • Fixed navigation bar issue on small screen for Horizontal & full-screen layout.
    • Fixed card reveal effect and make made it more smooth.
    • Fixed chartist error on single pages like login, register etc..
  • v 3.0

    Major Update
  • Angular UI
    • 1. Ready to use number of Angular directives, are handled by Angular in the right way. [ angular-materialize.html ]
  • Themes
    • 1. Ready to use 8 predefined theme.
  • Advanced UI
    • 1. Language Translation [ advanced-ui-translation.html ]
    • 2. Sweetalert for beautiful Modal popup [ advanced-ui-sweetalert.html ]
    • 3. Shortable & Nestable [ advanced-ui-nestable.html ]
    • 4. Range Selector [ advanced-ui-range-slider.html ]
    • 5. Syntext Highlight [ advanced-ui-highlight.html ]
  • Form
    • 1. Advanced form validations [ form-validation.html ]
    • 2. Input ttype mask [ form-masks.html ]
    • 3. Drag & Drop file upload with customizable drop zone [ form-file-uploads.html ]
    • 4. Updated new form elements [ form-elements.html ]
  • Table
    • 1. jsGrid - Lightweight Grid jQuery Plugin [ table-jsgrid.html ]
    • 2. editableTable - turns any table into an editable spreadsheet. [ table-editable.html ]
    • 3. floatThead - fixed table header plugin that requires no special CSS and supports [ table-floatThead.html ]
  • UI
    • 1. Material Chips [ ui-chips.html ]
    • 2. Alerts & Warnings [ ui-alerts.html ]
    • 3. Breadcrumbs [ ui-breadcrumbs.html ]
    • 4. Updated Material FAB Buttons [ ui-buttons.html ]
    • 5. Accordions page change to Collapsible with new popout feature. [ ui-accordions.html - > ui-collapsible.html ]
  • CSS
    • 1. CSS Animations [ css-animations.html ]
    • 2. Hoverable healpers [ css-helpers.html ]
  • Bugfix & Enhancement
    • 1. Fixed popup close issue on click of popup out side (body) area.
    • 2. Fixed the datatables row display select dropdown hide issue.
    • 3. Fixed the floating button hover issue.
    • 4. Fixed sparkline chaer hover stats background display issue.
    • 5. Fixed the dount chart stats position.
    • 6. Added the open close state menu icons and color.
    • 7. Added notification dropdown and county flag dropdown for translation.
    • 8. Fixed chart lag, scrollbar and map marker issues.
  • v 2.3

    Minor Fixes
  • Fixed Firefox dropdown menu support issues
  • e-Commerce product page fix
  • Update materialize the SASS files
  • v 2.2

    Minor Fixes
  • Fixed IE and Firefox support issues
  • Dashboard search fix and updates
  • Improved Charts
  • Update materialize the SASS files
  • v 2.1

    Major Update
  • 2 New layout
    • 1. Full Screen
    • 2. Horizontal Menu
  • 10 New Pages
    • 1. Profile Page
    • 2. Contact Page
    • 3. ToDos Page
    • 4. Blog Type 1
    • 5. Blog Type 2
    • 6. Products Page
    • 7. Pricing Table
    • 8. Gallaery Page
    • 10. Image Hover Effects
  • Updated Material Search
  • Fixed perfact scrool bar select to scroll issue
  • Update materialize the SASS files
  • v 1.1

  • Add new floating action button.
  • Update materialize the SASS files.
  • Fix the trending chart lagging issue.
  • Version 1.1 released on 6th June 2015.
  • v 1.0

  • Version 1.0 released on 20th March 2015.