HTTP Response Codes
A list of HTTP response codes that may be returned when
using the BUGswarm API and their associated meanings.
- 200: Request was received and handled
without error. The server will return information based on
the request.
- 201: The entity was succesfully
- 204: Request was received and handled
without error. No information will be returned by the
- 400: Bad request. There was something
wrong with the specified data. It may have been an
unrecognizable format or missing a field. The platform will
provide a descriptive message with the application error code
for easier debugging.
- 401: Unauthorized. You may not have
specified the HTTP header containing your API key.
- 403: Forbidden. The resource may exist,
but you do not have access to it due to application-level
- 404: Not found. Either the specified URL
does not exist in the server or the entity itself does not
exist in the database.
- 409: Conflict. There was a conflict with
the request.
- 500: Internal error. Something went
wrong with the server. If you receive this error response,
please notify the BUGswarm development team.
[{code: 'xxx', description: 'foo'}, {code: 'yyy', description: 'bar'}]