Welcome to BUGswarm

Acquire data from and control embedded devices using JavaScript or plain old HTTP.

Group Resources

Combine multiple resources together to create a swarm. Once a member of a swarm, a resource can communicate and share data with other resources in that swarm.

Control Access

Control the level of access a resource has to a swarm. Grant a resource permission to produce data, consume data, or do both.

Share With Others

Invite another user's resources into your swarms and accept invitations to place your resources in somebody else's swarms. Share your data easily and securely.

System Swarms of resources


A resource is an application or device that is configured to produce or consume data over BUGswarm. A resource may be a physical device, such as a smartphone, BUG, or Arduino, as well as a web or mobile application. Anything than can communicate through HTTP can be configured to join a swarm and being producing and consuming data.


A swarm is a collection of resources. Once a swarm is created, users may configure it to allow their own resources to participate as well as invite another user's resources to become members. The owner of the swarm may control what level of access (production, consumption, or both) each resource in the swarm has.

Getting Started Quick and simple

1. Sign Up

Sign up below for the developer preview. Once you receive your invitation, create a Bug Labs account and use the API Key Management Tool to list your given API keys or create new ones.

2. Create Resources and Swarms

Use the RESTful Configuration API to create resources and swarms. Add resources to swarms as producers, consumers, or both.

3. Produce and Consume Data

Use the Participation API to connect resources to the swarms they are members of and begin producing and consuming data.

Developer Preview Happening now!

Sign up below to apply for an invitation to the BUGswarm developer preview.