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SymbolTable Class Reference

Public Member Functions

SymbolScopegetCurrentScope (void)
SymbolScopegetGlobalScope (void)
void setCurrentScope (SymbolScope *scope)
void addScope (void)
void popScope (void)
void addGlobalSymbol (SleighSymbol *a)
void addSymbol (SleighSymbol *a)
SleighSymbolfindSymbol (const string &nm) const
SleighSymbolfindSymbol (const string &nm, int4 skip) const
SleighSymbolfindGlobalSymbol (const string &nm) const
SleighSymbolfindSymbol (uintm id) const
void replaceSymbol (SleighSymbol *a, SleighSymbol *b)
void saveXml (ostream &s) const
void restoreXml (const Element *el, SleighBase *trans)
void restoreSymbolHeader (const Element *el)
void purge (void)

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