Common core of classes that read or write SLEIGH specification files natively.
| SleighBase (void) |
| Construct an uninitialized translator.
bool | isInitialized (void) const |
| Return true if this is initialized.
virtual | ~SleighBase (void) |
| Destructor.
virtual void | addRegister (const string &nm, AddrSpace *base, uintb offset, int4 size) |
| Add a named register to the model for this processor. More...
virtual const VarnodeData & | getRegister (const string &nm) const |
| Get a register as VarnodeData given its name. More...
virtual string | getRegisterName (AddrSpace *base, uintb off, int4 size) const |
| Get the name of a register given its location. More...
virtual void | getAllRegisters (map< VarnodeData, string > ®list) const |
| Get a list of all register names and the corresponding location. More...
virtual void | getUserOpNames (vector< string > &res) const |
| Get a list of all user-defined pcode ops. More...
SleighSymbol * | findSymbol (const string &nm) const |
| Find a specific SLEIGH symbol by name in the current scope.
SleighSymbol * | findSymbol (uintm id) const |
| Find a specific SLEIGH symbol by id.
SleighSymbol * | findGlobalSymbol (const string &nm) const |
| Find a specific global SLEIGH symbol by name.
void | saveXml (ostream &s) const |
| Write out the SLEIGH specification as an XML <sleigh> tag. More...
| Translate (void) |
| Constructor for the translator. More...
void | setDefaultFloatFormats (void) |
| If no explicit float formats, set up default formats. More...
bool | isBigEndian (void) const |
| Is the processor big endian? More...
const FloatFormat * | getFloatFormat (int4 size) const |
| Get format for a particular floating point encoding. More...
int4 | getAlignment (void) const |
| Get the instruction alignment for the processor. More...
uintm | getUniqueBase (void) const |
| Get the base offset for new temporary registers. More...
virtual void | initialize (DocumentStorage &store)=0 |
| Initialize the translator given XML configuration documents. More...
virtual void | registerContext (const string &name, int4 sbit, int4 ebit) |
| Add a new context variable to the model for this processor. More...
virtual void | setContextDefault (const string &name, uintm val) |
| Set the default value for a particular context variable. More...
virtual void | allowContextSet (bool val) const |
| Toggle whether disassembly is allowed to affect context. More...
virtual int4 | instructionLength (const Address &baseaddr) const =0 |
| Get the length of a machine instruction. More...
virtual int4 | oneInstruction (PcodeEmit &emit, const Address &baseaddr) const =0 |
| Transform a single machine instruction into pcode. More...
virtual int4 | printAssembly (AssemblyEmit &emit, const Address &baseaddr) const =0 |
| Disassemble a single machine instruction. More...
| AddrSpaceManager (void) |
| Construct an empty address space manager. More...
virtual | ~AddrSpaceManager (void) |
| Destroy the manager. More...
int4 | getDefaultSize (void) const |
| Get size of addresses for the default space. More...
AddrSpace * | getSpaceByName (const string &nm) const |
| Get address space by name. More...
AddrSpace * | getSpaceByShortcut (char sc) const |
| Get address space from its shortcut. More...
AddrSpace * | getIopSpace (void) const |
| Get the internal pcode op space. More...
AddrSpace * | getFspecSpace (void) const |
| Get the internal callspec space. More...
AddrSpace * | getJoinSpace (void) const |
| Get the joining space. More...
AddrSpace * | getStackSpace (void) const |
| Get the stack space for this processor. More...
AddrSpace * | getUniqueSpace (void) const |
| Get the temporary register space for this processor. More...
AddrSpace * | getDefaultCodeSpace (void) const |
| Get the default address space of this processor. More...
AddrSpace * | getDefaultDataSpace (void) const |
| Get the default address space where data is stored. More...
AddrSpace * | getConstantSpace (void) const |
| Get the constant space. More...
Address | getConstant (uintb val) const |
| Get a constant encoded as an Address. More...
Address | createConstFromSpace (AddrSpace *spc) const |
| Create a constant address encoding an address space. More...
Address | resolveConstant (AddrSpace *spc, uintb val, int4 sz, const Address &point, uintb &fullEncoding) const |
| Resolve a native constant into an Address. More...
int4 | numSpaces (void) const |
| Get the number of address spaces for this processor. More...
AddrSpace * | getSpace (int4 i) const |
| Get an address space via its index. More...
AddrSpace * | getNextSpaceInOrder (AddrSpace *spc) const |
| Get the next contiguous address space. More...
JoinRecord * | findAddJoin (const vector< VarnodeData > &pieces, uint4 logicalsize) |
| Get (or create) JoinRecord for pieces. More...
JoinRecord * | findJoin (uintb offset) const |
| Find JoinRecord for offset in the join space. More...
void | setDeadcodeDelay (AddrSpace *spc, int4 delaydelta) |
| Set the deadcodedelay for a specific space. More...
void | truncateSpace (const TruncationTag &tag) |
| Mark a space as truncated from its original size. More...
Address | constructFloatExtensionAddress (const Address &realaddr, int4 realsize, int4 logicalsize) |
| Build a logically lower precision storage location for a bigger floating point register. More...
Address | constructJoinAddress (const Translate *translate, const Address &hiaddr, int4 hisz, const Address &loaddr, int4 losz) |
| Build a logical whole from register pairs. More...
void | renormalizeJoinAddress (Address &addr, int4 size) |
| Make sure a possibly offset join address has a proper JoinRecord. More...
Common core of classes that read or write SLEIGH specification files natively.
This class represents what's in common across the SLEIGH infrastructure between:
- Reading the various SLEIGH specification files
- Building and writing out SLEIGH specification files