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ghidra_process.hh File Reference

The formal commands that can be issued to the decompiler by the Ghidra client. More...

#include "capability.hh"
#include "ghidra_arch.hh"
#include "typegrp_ghidra.hh"
#include "grammar.hh"
#include "paramid.hh"
#include <iostream>
#include <csignal>
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class  GhidraCapability
 Registration point and dispatcher for commands sent to the decompiler. More...
class  GhidraDecompCapability
 The core decompiler commands capability. More...
class  GhidraCommand
 Base class for a command to the decompiler as issued by a Ghidra client. More...
class  RegisterProgram
 Command to register a new Program (executable) with the decompiler. More...
class  DeregisterProgram
 Command to release all resources associated with a Program (executable) in the decompiler. More...
class  FlushNative
 Command to flush all symbols associated with a Program (executable) More...
class  DecompileAt
 Command to decompile a specific function. More...
class  StructureGraph
 Command to structure a control-flow graph. More...
class  SetAction
 Command to set the root Action used by the decompiler or toggle output components. More...
class  SetOptions
 Command to toggle options within the decompiler. More...

Detailed Description

The formal commands that can be issued to the decompiler by the Ghidra client.