You are here: Learn about Citrix App Layering [UnideskVersion Layering 4.0.8] > Set up > Install the Unidesk ELM > Install the ELM

Install the Unidesk Enterprise Layer Manager (ELM) with local storage (Azure)

In this article:

Before you start

Deploy the Unidesk ELM from the Azure Marketplace

Next Step

Before you start

To get started with Unidesk in Azure, you will need:

Deploy the Unidesk ELM from the Azure Marketplace

To deploy Unidesk for Azure, create a Virtual Machine in the Azure Marketplace using the Unidesk offering. This installs the Unidesk ELM with local storage for Unidesk Layers, Templates, and temporary files.

Using this procedure, you will do a basic Unidesk ELM installation in Azure. Once you complete these steps, use the following sections to change the administrator password (strongly recommended), and configure more advanced options, such as Static IP.

  1. Open a web browser, navigate to the Microsoft Azure portal, sign in with your Azure credentials, and click New.

  2. In the search field in the New panel, type Unidesk and press Enter. The window displays Unidesk for Azure as a Publisher. Select it and click Create.
  3. Fill out the Basics, Size, and Settings options for creating a new VM.

  4. Notes:

To complete the process, view the Summary of the options you selected and, when you are satisfied with your selections, click OK, and click Purchase.

Note: If you experience a failed deployment of a Virtual Machine in Azure, you can obtain more detail regarding the nature of the failure by browsing to the relevant resource group and clicking the related "(Failed)" link.

Configure advanced settings

Once you've completed the ELM installation, you should immediately log into the ELM and:

The Unidesk Appliance Configuration utility lets you configure these settings. For details, click Manage the Unidesk ELM (virtual appliance) .

Expand locally attached storage, if needed

If you need to expand the ELM's local storage, see Manage system storage.

Next Step

Once you're satisfied that the ELM is correctly configured and has the required storage space, you can log into the Unidesk Management Console, and begin creating your layers.

Log into the Unidesk Management Console (UMC)