


My name is Mangesh Thombare.

I am a student of Video Game Design and Project Management at DSK SUPINFOGAME, Pune (INDIA). I will be completing my course in May 2014 and I am looking forward to join the Game Design industry after that.

During my course I’ve acquired many skills in the field of Game design and Level Design. I’ve learned the process of designing a game in pre-production as well as production stage.

This website showcases all the projects I've done as a part of my course. It includes my work as a Game Designer and a Level Designer. You can find a summary of my skills, abilities and creativity in the game design field on the CV page.

I am looking for an internship or a permanent job in the field of Game Design. The challenge of creating a feasible and sellable concept in short period of time appeals the most to the gamer within me.

Here is something I’m currently working on - No Light