applies background colors to cells of a FlexTable
setFlexTableBackgroundColors(object, i, j, colors, to = "body")
object | a |
i | vector (integer index, row.names values or boolean vector) for rows selection. |
j | vector (integer index, col.names values or boolean vector) for columns selection. |
colors | background colors to apply (e.g. "#000000" or "black"). a character vector of colors with as many elements as defined by the selection. |
to | specify on which part of the FlexTable to apply colors, must be one of the following values "body" (default) or "header" or "footer" |
# example 1 ---- ft <- vanilla.table(head(iris)) ft <- setFlexTableBackgroundColors( ft, i = 1:3, j = c("Petal.Length", "Species"), colors = "yellow" ) # example 2 ---- data <- structure(c(1, -0.991, -0.993, -0.956, 0.939, -0.986, 0.708, 0.932, 0.827, 0.768, -0.799, -0.991, 1, 0.992, 0.972, -0.923, 0.966, -0.766, -0.963, -0.783, -0.735, 0.82, -0.993, 0.992, 1, 0.944, -0.955, 0.987, -0.692, -0.93, -0.843, -0.801, 0.757, -0.956, 0.972, 0.944, 1, -0.819, 0.897, -0.88, -0.985, -0.635, -0.565, 0.924, 0.939, -0.923, -0.955, -0.819, 1, -0.975, 0.472, 0.795, 0.944, 0.92, -0.565, -0.986, 0.966, 0.987, 0.897, -0.975, 1, -0.59, -0.872, -0.903, -0.855, 0.697, 0.708, -0.766, -0.692, -0.88, 0.472, -0.59, 1, 0.899, 0.204, 0.14, -0.949, 0.932, -0.963, -0.93, -0.985, 0.795, -0.872, 0.899, 1, 0.594, 0.544, -0.912, 0.827, -0.783, -0.843, -0.635, 0.944, -0.903, 0.204, 0.594, 1, 0.979, -0.34, 0.768, -0.735, -0.801, -0.565, 0.92, -0.855, 0.14, 0.544, 0.979, 1, -0.236, -0.799, 0.82, 0.757, 0.924, -0.565, 0.697, -0.949, -0.912, -0.34, -0.236, 1), .Dim = c(11L, 11L), .Dimnames = list(c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb"), c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb"))) mycolors <- structure(c("#1A9850", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#66BD63", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#F46D43", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#F46D43", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#F46D43", "#F46D43", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#A6D96A", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#F46D43", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#F46D43", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#66BD63", "#66BD63", "#D73027", "#F46D43", "#D73027", "#A6D96A", "#F46D43", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#D9EF8B", "#D9EF8B", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#66BD63", "#66BD63", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#F46D43", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#D9EF8B", "#66BD63", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#FDAE61", "#1A9850", "#F46D43", "#D73027", "#F46D43", "#1A9850", "#D73027", "#D9EF8B", "#66BD63", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#FEE08B", "#D73027", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#1A9850", "#F46D43", "#66BD63", "#D73027", "#D73027", "#FDAE61", "#FEE08B", "#1A9850"), .Dim = c(11L, 11L)) MyFTable <- FlexTable( data, add.rownames = TRUE ) # set computed colors MyFTable <- setFlexTableBackgroundColors( MyFTable, j = dimnames(data)[[2]], colors = mycolors ) # cosmetics MyFTable <- setFlexTableBackgroundColors( MyFTable, i = 1, colors = "gray", to = "header" ) MyFTable[1, , to = "header"] <- textBold(color="white") MyFTable <- setFlexTableBackgroundColors( MyFTable, j = 1, colors = "gray" ) MyFTable[,1] <- textBold(color="white") bp1 <- borderProperties( color = "white" ) bp2 <- chprop( bp1, width = 2 ) MyFTable <- setFlexTableBorders( MyFTable, inner.vertical = bp1, inner.horizontal = bp1, outer.vertical = bp2, outer.horizontal = bp2 )