Get styles names that exist into a document

styles(doc, ...)

# S3 method for docx
styles(doc, ...)



document object


further arguments passed to other methods


With docx document, styles will be paragraph styles of the base document (e.g. Normal, Title1, etc.). Names of the returned character vector are labels associated with styles names.

See also

docx, styles


doc = docx( title = "title" ) styles(doc)
#> Normal heading 1 heading 2 #> "Normal" "Titre1" "Titre2" #> heading 3 heading 4 heading 5 #> "Titre3" "Titre4" "Titre5" #> heading 6 heading 7 heading 8 #> "Titre6" "Titre7" "Titre8" #> heading 9 Title Subtitle #> "Titre9" "Titre" "Sous-titre" #> Quote Intense Quote caption #> "Citation" "Citationintense" "Lgende" #> TOC Heading No Spacing List Paragraph #> "En-ttedetabledesmatires" "Sansinterligne" "Paragraphedeliste" #> rPlotLegend header footer #> "rPlotLegend" "En-tte" "Pieddepage" #> Titre1 BulletList Titre2 #> "Titre10" "BulletList" "Titre20" #> TitleDoc rRawOutput rTableLegend #> "TitleDoc" "rRawOutput" "rTableLegend"