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Message ID: 1330
Date: Sun Nov 14 19:30:45 GMT 1999
Author: Rathan Silvermyst
Subject: Re: Digest Number 146

thank ye kindly for insulting my intelligence. paying 1k for a
Lung....congratulations on fooling the masses. personnaly i think it is
taking advantage of ppl. the return i get far outweighs my expenses, and i
am selling them faster than i can make em. as for all gnomes who sell
scopes for 100 plat...HAHAHA. wow, you must find the stupidest ppl in the
world to pull that scam off. personally, i am kind of disgusted that so
many ppl here are so greedy. i have never before been disgusted to be a
gnome...but there is a first time for everything i guess.
-"Honest" Ranth Rathan, Affordable Tinkerer Extraoridnaire

>I dont know what the hell you outhers do but i think you need an marketing
>department. I would never ever selll a aqua lung for 400 pp, thats just
>insane and plain stupid.
>900-1000 pp for it is fair i think and with a note with it that if they
>come back for an uppgrade to Rebreather for say 1000 more + componet cost.
>That would be around 1600 pp i think, is that right ?
>I dont sell the fishing pole and those outher low skill items outher if
>anyone order it, i get to many failures even on trivial items to be worth
>making them and selling them at a large scale. Take Bow cam�s for example,
>i gor an order of 8 cam�s it took 12 tries to make 8, thats 4 failures and
>i sold them for 25 pp each, it�s almost nno profit at all so in the
>futare i�m going to charge 30 pp for them i think if i even sell them.
>Askur of Veeshan