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Message ID: 1331
Date: Sun Nov 14 20:48:40 GMT 1999
Author: GoodSmritn@xxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Digest Number 146

In a message dated 11/14/99 2:31:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
eqlegion@... writes:

<< thank ye kindly for insulting my intelligence. paying 1k for a
Lung....congratulations on fooling the masses. personnaly i think it is
taking advantage of ppl. the return i get far outweighs my expenses, and i
am selling them faster than i can make em. as for all gnomes who sell
scopes for 100 plat...HAHAHA. wow, you must find the stupidest ppl in the
world to pull that scam off. personally, i am kind of disgusted that so
many ppl here are so greedy. i have never before been disgusted to be a
gnome...but there is a first time for everything i guess.
-"Honest" Ranth Rathan, Affordable Tinkerer Extraoridnaire

If you think Tinkering people charge too much.....just try most jewlers
bud!!!....if you make it , someone will buy it. Just got to find out who.