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Message ID: 1332
Date: Sun Nov 14 21:10:45 GMT 1999
Author: Clanretri@xxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Digest Number 146

You are the only idiot, plain and simple. Greed has nothing to do with
running a business. The point of trading skill is for max profit. 100pp for
spyglass is the going rate, I sold many and none of them are idiots. As for
the Aqua Lung I sold about 9 so far at 650pp each, although 1000pp is a bit
at the higher end if anyone can sell them then more power to him/her. And it
is not fooling the masses, do you have any idea how much it cost to raise the
skill to master? and even then the success rate is only 50% at best. Next
time try to know what you are talking about before opening that little hole
of yours. Lastly I am proud to be a gnome, and it's people like you who is
ruining us gnomes.

Gagaliya Ba'La'Boom
Master Tinker
Lev 40 wiz
The Claw of Nagafan

"thank ye kindly for insulting my intelligence. paying 1k for a
Lung....congratulations on fooling the masses. personnaly i think it is
taking advantage of ppl. the return i get far outweighs my expenses, and i
am selling them faster than i can make em. as for all gnomes who sell
scopes for 100 plat...HAHAHA. wow, you must find the stupidest ppl in the
world to pull that scam off. personally, i am kind of disgusted that so
many ppl here are so greedy. i have never before been disgusted to be a
gnome...but there is a first time for everything i guess.
-"Honest" Ranth Rathan, Affordable Tinkerer Extraoridnaire"