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Message ID: 1333
Date: Sun Nov 14 21:11:06 GMT 1999
Author: Zinken
Subject: SV: Digest Number 146

You dont have a company of your own thats for sure. If i am making something and have alot failures i have to count that in to the price.
Lets take this example:

I got an order of 8 Bow cam�s for 25 pp each.
I started making cam�s and hade 4 failures even tho they are trivial to me.
That�s 8x15=120 + 4x15=60 =180 Profit of 20 pp.
Well with that kind of profit i just wont do the work i rather go out and get me some some XP and 100 pp in loot for the same amount of time it take, or just sitt around talking with friends wich i do the most.

And you also have to see to the market here, what is the easiest to get your hands on in EQ ??? right CASH CASH CASH.

So many ppl that bought the spyglass from he says that Kewl that was a nice trinket for 100 pp (pocket change). Atleast on Veeshan who has alot of high level ppl. i�m just so damn glad that you arent on the same server as me, or i would for sure quit playing. Well not quiting just dont do Tinkering. I dont know your level but if you can tinker the lung�s you must be fairly high and are you doing it for fun maybe and if so it�s even worse then i could imagen.

And what the hell is that stupid talk about greedy ??????????????????????

If i make something i want to cover my costs and get a profit out of it, it dosent have to be a large profit but you say that you sell the lung for 400 pp and you have how many failures ? if you just have a failure rate of 50% that�s 500 pp for each lung and you lose 100 pp and that�s good and "honest" ?????????

Either you are an high level player who is bored or you cant sell things.

I tried selling the spyglass for 100 pp each and ppl bought them, and bought them alot !! i have so much cash in the bank now that i can get my skill up and start making aqua lungs for guild friends and such. One last thing by taking maybe a bit high price for my wares i can give away some of the things i make, take the stalking probes for an example if i make on i dont sell it i give it away to someone who either is a newbie or to 1 who buying a spyglass from me.

And what realy make me sick is when ppl come up to me and says: Hey why are you charging that ? it only cost this much to make so i wont pay more then this!!. Huh ?? i would like to see the company that dosent charge for development and failures and still be in business for long.

PS If this sounds like a flame and personal attack it is not, couse you arent on the same server as me :-)
Even tho i heard that someone is selling rebreathers for 800 pp on Veeshan wich i am gonna belive when i see it, and if they do i just dont tinker to sell any more just to friends and guildmates.

Askur "Honest" Gnome on Veeshan

PS1 Damn i hate ppl who write that they are honest, if they have to do that then they most of the times arent.

Askyr Gnome Wizard of Veeshan

----- Original Message -----
From: Rathan Silvermyst <eqlegion@...>
To: <EQ_Tinkering@onelist.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [EQ_Tinkering] Digest Number 146

> From: "Rathan Silvermyst" <eqlegion@...>
> thank ye kindly for insulting my intelligence. paying 1k for a
> Lung....congratulations on fooling the masses. personnaly i think it is
> taking advantage of ppl. the return i get far outweighs my expenses, and i
> am selling them faster than i can make em. as for all gnomes who sell
> scopes for 100 plat...HAHAHA. wow, you must find the stupidest ppl in the
> world to pull that scam off. personally, i am kind of disgusted that so
> many ppl here are so greedy. i have never before been disgusted to be a
> gnome...but there is a first time for everything i guess.
> -"Honest" Ranth Rathan, Affordable Tinkerer Extraoridnaire
> >
> >
> >I dont know what the hell you outhers do but i think you need an marketing
> >department. I would never ever selll a aqua lung for 400 pp, thats just
> >insane and plain stupid.
> >
> >900-1000 pp for it is fair i think and with a note with it that if they
> >come back for an uppgrade to Rebreather for say 1000 more + componet cost.
> >That would be around 1600 pp i think, is that right ?
> >
> >I dont sell the fishing pole and those outher low skill items outher if
> >anyone order it, i get to many failures even on trivial items to be worth
> >making them and selling them at a large scale. Take Bow cam�s for example,
> >i gor an order of 8 cam�s it took 12 tries to make 8, thats 4 failures and
> >i sold them for 25 pp each, it�s almost nno profit at all so in the
> >futare i�m going to charge 30 pp for them i think if i even sell them.
> >
> >
> >
> >Askur of Veeshan