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Message ID: 1337
Date: Mon Nov 15 03:35:29 GMT 1999
Author: Daniel Soref
Subject: Fireworks and skill

I have a quick question about fireworks. I have been able to tinker
them at level 21 with no problem. However, they are a pathetic
ight to behold. All I see when I use them is a little flash of
colored light move away from me for about a quarter of a second.
I read a post though a while back of someone describing a very neat
firework effect. Can anyone please confirm this? Also, I talked to
a couple GMs on Erollisi Marr and the information I gathered is
that gnomish fireworks are not even listed as being broken and that
there is therefore no ETA on fixing them. This really bothers me
because they could be a very interesting item in terms of role-
playing. Would anyone out there be interested in them enough to
start a petition? I know there are more worth-while things to
petition about, but this is one thing that could actually be
fixed quite easily if Verant knew that there were enough people
out there that wanted these to work right.

Also, at one point at Gnomad's web site it says that your tinkering
skill cannot increase until level 16. But then he has a chart and
equation posted that show your skill cannot break 50 until level
26. I have also read in other places that the skill for
tinkering is (5 * lvl) or (5 * lvl) - 5, which would mean that at
22 my skill could be 60 or 55, breaking 50 at 16 or 16,
respectively. Can a number of people please confirm one of these
equations? I've already spent quite a bit of plat on non-trivial
items and I don't believe my skill has increased. BTW the newer
equation at Gnomad's site is (5 * (lvl - 15)

Any help is much appreciated

Lithuin Lightbringer
Level 22 wizard
Sylvan Guard
Erollisi Marr