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Message ID: 1338
Date: Mon Nov 15 03:39:44 GMT 1999
Author: Clanretri@aol.com
Subject: Re: SV: Digest Number 146

It amazes me how many can actually read, your ignorance shines. You missing
the point, maybe next time you will actually read my note before babbling off
or just dont quote it if you dont understand it. My note was simply directed
to the guy who flames everyone for selling at a price he does not agree, no
one cares for your price calculation or "logical selling price" which is not
possible if you are actually a tinker. I do not want to argue on this
pointless issue, some loser who did not want to spend the time nor money to
invest in tinkering started, to flame everyone who did. Sell at what you
will, no one really cares except the buyer.

"While there is a reasonable price for the items, that allows for
continuance of working on the skills, some ppl are gona charge less,
and some more... If your a greedy SOB, then anyone selling for less
than you are is hurting your profit, as they steal bussiness and give
you a bad rep (?desearved?). If you undercut all the time, you hurt
yourself long term as you slowly go broke. You hurt the others that
just want to continue to practice the skill in the short term as they
cant sell. its all a balance... if matterals cost X and you fail 50%
of the time on average, then logical selling price is 2X, most tack on
a profit so that they dont feel its wasted time, when they coulda been
sitten on their butts waiting for mob X with cool/sellable/tradable
item Y to pop.... The question is: if somebody walks up to you and
says "heres all the parts, please combine those for me. if you fail,
no worrys." would you do it? Or would you charge them for the 30sec
it takes to hit combine. You didn't spend any cash on the item, and
if its not a triv item, then your gaining skill (possibly) for free."