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Message ID: 1645
Date: Mon Dec 20 04:40:08 GMT 1999
Author: Conrad Lesnewski
Subject: Re: Animated Bait

Obviously, you don't fish in real life - or you're not old enough to drink
beer while pursuing this strenuous sport :) It means exactly what it says,
"You spill your beer while bringing in your line." Usually followed by
some degree of cursing depending on the person and the amount of beer
consumed to that point. :)

Calbasil Psyrex of Ak'Anon (Bertoxx)
House of Silmindo

At 09:40 PM 12/19/99 EST, you wrote:
>From: RPGMastr2k@...
>Hrmm. Maybe if you tested it more it would even out or something, hehe.
>But...what does it mean when you spill your beer?
>-Yiltu,(Gnome--what else)20th magician, Xegony