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Message ID: 1646
Date: Mon Dec 20 14:00:58 GMT 1999
Author: jeff.belcher@us.wmmercer.com
Subject: Long Time Listener, First Time Post

In the words of the caller on the Mr. Obvious Show on Bob & Tom:

"Long time listener, first time caller"

Skill Cap
First of all, I wanted to post my 2 cp on the skill cap. Malcolm O'Callaghan posted the following three formulas:

Formula #1:

( level - 15 ) * 5 ==> ( 30 - 15 ) * 5 = 75

Formula #2:

level * 5 - 13 ==> 30 * 5 - 13 = 137

Formula #3:

level * ( 5 - 13 ) ==> 30 * -7 = -210

I do believe formula #1 was the old cap. When I was level 28 about 4 weeks ago, I spent a fair amount of time making Flamless Lanterns and capped out at 65. Every 1-5 attempts my skill would increase one point. However, at 65 I must have attempted at least 30 Flameless Lanterns with no skill increase. I wanted to be certain of the cap; so, when I got to the expensive items I wouldn't waste any money trying to raise my skill when I was capped out. So, I figured I'd test the cap while I was making the cheap stuff. I decided I had reached my cap. In conclusion, formula #1 was the "old" cap recently removed.

After seeing all the discussion on the board, I decided maybe I should go try tinkering again. I am level 30 now; so, under formula #1 I would have capped at 75. However, I have my skill all the way up to 83 ( out of cash:( ). So, in my experience, formula #1 is no longer the cap. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money to verify formula #2. If I ever sell these 17 spyglasses and 3 stalking probes I'll get back to testing.

On a side note, I confirmed that Flameless Lanterns do become trivial at 68 and the Standard bow cams at 75.

Formula #3 - This must have been what the original tinkerers felt like the formula was.

Animated Bait
I can't remember who posted the statistics on animated bait, but I have done a similar analysis and had much the same findings as he/she did. I'll try to find my scrap piece of paper and post the actual data when I get a chance, but I just remember being disappointed that my animated bait didn't out perform the grubs I got from a ranger friend(

Now that I can actually make stuff worth selling, I am curious as to what items fellow tinkerers are finding sell well and how much they are selling them for. I zoned to G Fay, N Kar, and S Kar last night trying to sell Spyglasses for 50 pp with no luck. Could some people either post or e-mail me what they have had success selling and for how much. I will also tell you that it is near impossible to sell Standard Bow Cams. The fletching trade is pretty much used up and not in demand, thus making our Standard Bow Cams not in demand.

Make yourself and nice enchanter friend that will sit with you for a couple hours and tinker. They get things a lot cheaper and sell things for a lot more. I wouldn't worry about doing this until you max out flameless lanterns at skill level 68. After that, this trade gets real expensive.

Okay, that's all I have. I just wanted to back up some other people's posts and look for some guidance on what sells and for how much.

Good luck and be safe,

Gantorek Ttefabob of Clan Cathar
Povar Server
Level 30 Wizard
Level 83 Tinkerer