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Message ID: 1667
Date: Tue Dec 21 07:08:40 GMT 1999
Author: David
Subject: Re: Gun Pic....

I think it'd be more of a flintlock pistol or a crossbow.
I wouldn't be surpized if it was some item with 6 charges
of some dd spell that can only be placed in the ranged slot.


At 02:00 AM 12/21/99 GMT, you wrote:
>From: "Linus Gustafsson" <linusgson@...>
>I guess it would be possible for a good programmer to make an emulator, and
>i DO believe, i even think it was confirmed, that someone did it. But not
>this guy, even if he chose his own stats, there are stat improving items in
>his inventory, which would make the text turn out green. Besides, i would
>think that the graphics for a "blunderbus" would look more like a blunderbus
>than a revolver :)