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Message ID: 1668
Date: Tue Dec 21 13:37:16 GMT 1999
Author: igbot@preemptive.com
Subject: My first Rebreather! Woohoo! (sort of)

Last nite (with a skill of 104) I risked every last dime I had
and attempted a rebreather! It worked! I was pretty excited.

But... I'm amazed at this thing. It sorta sucks.

1. you have to wear it. So all those melee'rs with fancy helms have
to wear this stupid 1 AC rebreather instead. (They'll love that)

2. It weighs 10. I know this has been lamented before, but there goes
the monk market.

3. Fishbone earring gives +3 dex.

So, still the fishbone earrings are much more desirable (hate to say it).
Personally, I want an aqualung more than this, at least it sits in my
inventory slot.