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Message ID: 1669
Date: Tue Dec 21 13:57:46 GMT 1999
Author: igbot@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Prices

I think alot of folks here charge way to low. I'm not saying this from a
"moral sense". I'm saying it from a business sense.

First off, lets say you charge 2000pp for a rebreather (a price I've heard).
Chances are, your skill is under 110. That means 1 out of 2 failures on
aqualungs and higher on rebreathers. I certainly see no profit there.
So, if I had a hamburger stand and my competitors undercut themselves, I'd
laugh. Why? Because soon they'd run out of money to make more hamburgers.
In EQ, it works the same way. However, customers have some ridiculous idea that
things in EQ have "real" prices (like a dragoon dirk for 30pp). The Price
is WHATEVER the buyer is willing to pay! (thats my sermon, no one in EQ
listens to that :).

Anyway, if you sell for 2000pp not only are you taking a loss, but you are
killing young tinkerers. Even if 2000pp was profitable for you, you are still
killing young tinkerers because its not profitable for them. Maybe thats ok
with you, but you still hurt yourself, because if folks would ESTABLISH from
the start a price of rebreathers at say 4000pp then everyone would BELIEVE
that is the price! You say "no one will pay 4000!" - Yes they would IF everyone
agreed that is the established price.

Shamans! Heres a tip for you. Before you make ONE potion! Run through every
zone in norrath - and Auction your potions for 10 TIMES your cost. This price
will be way too high and no one will buy and everyone will gasp. BUT you are
not there to sell a thing - you are there to put a seed in peoples minds about
potion prices. Do this 10 days in a row in popular zones. Then, when you make
potions, sell them for 8 times your cost. By then, no one will gasp anymore
because you established the price in their minds.

Thats price gouging? Please. Everytime I run near Mistmoore I check on the
caitliff. If he's there (he's not a horribly rare spawn), I kill him and
loot either Crested spaulders or the Crested helm. I got it for 5 minutes
work and sell it for 250pp or 600pp respectively - THATS price gouging.

Low prices kill the market for future tinkerers. Also Rebreather customers
are NOT repeat customers. My prices that work for me (except aqualungs,
because I'm sick of explaining the details (limited charges, weight, size)
to an excited customer only to hear them say forget it.)

Cams - 25pp (I sell a TON)
Telescopes - 90pp (sell a TON)
Lockpicks - 35pp (not many rogues, but I sell a few)
Probes - 35pp (I sell some of these, God only knows why, just a novelty)
Rebreathers - I'll let you know cuz I just made one, will be 3-4k, your
input appreciated

I give tons of fireworks away (although one guy wanted them so bad once
he paid me 5pp per!)

Publish your prices. I know a few tinkerers on my server and I explained
this to them. If they cut their prices, I have to cut mine. And we both
lose. (This is illegal in the real world now isnt it, its called price fixing).
But then again, selling less than cost to undermine competitors (just
because you have huge resources and they dont) isn't exactly "nice".

People complain about this skill, but it could WORK if we made a profit right?