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Message ID: 1680
Date: Wed Dec 22 16:54:12 GMT 1999
Author: mnknb
Subject: Re: Prices

I agree to a point. I have sold Fireworks for 25P a set. This was when I was
the only one who could make them on the server and the price will have to go
down A LITTLE soon. The point is I made some cash to help me tinker some
more. Only high level people want the Fireworks anyway and they dont mind
paying a little for the novelty. I say they are great for parties and
weddings. 1P is a waste of our talent and I wouldnt take the time out to
make them for that since they are trivial and I would have to go to Ak'anon
for the stuff. I have sold over 15 sets at this price and that is 6 last

> I give tons of fireworks away (although one guy wanted them so bad once
> he paid me 5pp per!)

This you are doing is bad and will hurt all low level tinkers starting

So we all have a different story.....

----- Original Message -----
From: <igbot@...>
To: <EQ_Tinkering@onelist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 8:57 AM
Subject: [EQ_Tinkering] Prices

> From: igbot@...
> I think alot of folks here charge way to low. I'm not saying this from a
> "moral sense". I'm saying it from a business sense.
> First off, lets say you charge 2000pp for a rebreather (a price I've
> Chances are, your skill is under 110. That means 1 out of 2 failures on
> aqualungs and higher on rebreathers. I certainly see no profit there.
> So, if I had a hamburger stand and my competitors undercut themselves, I'd
> laugh. Why? Because soon they'd run out of money to make more hamburgers.
> In EQ, it works the same way. However, customers have some ridiculous idea
> things in EQ have "real" prices (like a dragoon dirk for 30pp). The Price
> is WHATEVER the buyer is willing to pay! (thats my sermon, no one in EQ
> listens to that :).
> Anyway, if you sell for 2000pp not only are you taking a loss, but you are
> killing young tinkerers. Even if 2000pp was profitable for you, you are
> killing young tinkerers because its not profitable for them. Maybe thats
> with you, but you still hurt yourself, because if folks would ESTABLISH
> the start a price of rebreathers at say 4000pp then everyone would BELIEVE
> that is the price! You say "no one will pay 4000!" - Yes they would IF
> agreed that is the established price.
> Shamans! Heres a tip for you. Before you make ONE potion! Run through
> zone in norrath - and Auction your potions for 10 TIMES your cost. This
> will be way too high and no one will buy and everyone will gasp. BUT you
> not there to sell a thing - you are there to put a seed in peoples minds
> potion prices. Do this 10 days in a row in popular zones. Then, when you
> potions, sell them for 8 times your cost. By then, no one will gasp
> because you established the price in their minds.
> Thats price gouging? Please. Everytime I run near Mistmoore I check on the
> caitliff. If he's there (he's not a horribly rare spawn), I kill him and
> loot either Crested spaulders or the Crested helm. I got it for 5 minutes
> work and sell it for 250pp or 600pp respectively - THATS price gouging.
> Low prices kill the market for future tinkerers. Also Rebreather customers
> are NOT repeat customers. My prices that work for me (except aqualungs,
> because I'm sick of explaining the details (limited charges, weight, size)
> to an excited customer only to hear them say forget it.)
> Cams - 25pp (I sell a TON)
> Telescopes - 90pp (sell a TON)
> Lockpicks - 35pp (not many rogues, but I sell a few)
> Probes - 35pp (I sell some of these, God only knows why, just a novelty)
> Rebreathers - I'll let you know cuz I just made one, will be 3-4k, your
> input appreciated
> I give tons of fireworks away (although one guy wanted them so bad once
> he paid me 5pp per!)
> Publish your prices. I know a few tinkerers on my server and I explained
> this to them. If they cut their prices, I have to cut mine. And we both
> lose. (This is illegal in the real world now isnt it, its called price
> But then again, selling less than cost to undermine competitors (just
> because you have huge resources and they dont) isn't exactly "nice".
> People complain about this skill, but it could WORK if we made a profit