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Message ID: 1679
Date: Tue Dec 21 19:24:00 GMT 1999
Author: Catbik Tinkerton
Subject: Re: Gun in Pic

I posted this once before. This is a screenshot taken from some people who
made an EQ emulator. Browse thru the directories, there's a lot more pics in
there. The reason the items don't change his stats to green is because they
are merely items taken from one of the files in the EQ directory, they
havn't been programmed to give any stat boosts.

As an addition, I've also downloaded that viewer that lets you view the EQ
files, for instance you can listen to all the sounds and look at the
graphics. The gun is indeed in the graphics file (can't think of the name of
the file right now). This is one reason I've been so bent on wrestling more
info from Tergon, the gnome who says he shot the iron pellet into Bugglegup

hehhehehe =)

Catbik Tinkerton
Champions of Brell

>and used the gun in the picture as a refrence, since looking at the pic and
>site, you 1st notice the guy is lvl 100... umm YEA.. Gotta start looking at
>that :) Open graphics program and notice that the text was changed, almost
>the text on this page was change.. other then the message text. <Graphics
>here sorry folks> You'll notice that some of the items have been "PASTED"
>there respected positions, not a bad job thou.. but the smuging is blantly
>obvious even for a jpg....but the gun isn't smudged.. <go look - zoom in>
>HOWEVER... that would mean that this guy would have had to goto great
>to make a new graphic and model for the "gun", even thou the model info is
>avable to public <989 propritary> HUMM... makes me wonder... even the
>isn't pasted in......
><< text3.html >>