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Message ID: 1678
Date: Tue Dec 21 19:10:14 GMT 1999
Author: Philip Wall
Subject: Re: Different Fireworks

My experience with the fireworks is that if you have someone targeted
and they are somewhat close to you then you will get the flare effect,
if they are a ways away or you don't have anyone targeted then you get
the torpedo effect like with all the bold spells. As far as the torpedo
effect goes, the bolt spells look better. :)

eqtinker@... wrote:
> From: eqtinker@...
> Greetings!
> As it sounds like a lot of Gnomes are now getting into fireworks, I would like
> to pose a question: Has any one figured out how to determine which type of
> firework will be launched? I've had two types go off: flare and explosion.
> It would be great if I knew which one would go off before I used it. Or
> better yet, if there was some way to determine this at the Tinkering stage.
> Thanks.
> -Fulcrum of Fennin Ro
> Fulcrum's Tinkering Compendium
> http://www.geocities.com/eqtinker
Name: Philip Wall
Handle: Wild Card
e-mail: wallp@...
homepage: http://www.wild-card.net

Thought of the day:
Sattinger's Law:
It works better if you plug it in.