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Message ID: 1670
Date: Tue Dec 21 14:07:08 GMT 1999
Author: RPGMastr2k@xxx.xxx
Subject: Re: gormit

Gormit's a big ole Hill Giant in the ocean of tears. Oh, and btw, on raising
your skill to 53 Tuni...I earned about two_hundred_plat in greater faydark
selling fireworks for 2pp each. Then I found some guy who bought 80 for half
price and shot all of them off in front of the kelethin bank (lol don't ask
me he did it). Talk about good advertisement! I then sold some for 1 and 2pp.
I didn't auction until afterwards when the zone was less populated. I did it
by people's equipment...LOL, oracle robe 2 plat, SMR 5 plat, patchwork 8gp,
etc. Then after that I went and sold some more and eventually twinked a
halfling warrior in full bronze and then traded a PBB for a shield of the
slain unicorn...oops...I'm getting off subject. Anyway in the end I went and
bought enough for a lot of flameless lanterns (and I mean a lot!) then made
and sold them at a gnome vendor (with good faction) for a plat each. I didn't
get through all my lanterns, unfortunately, but I did get to about 58 skill
in an hour. The other items are nice, but a bit pricey to raise skill--some
super high level tried to get me to make a telescope. He supplied the
wholesale money and I failed 8 times before I made it. I can understand why
you spent so much raising it!
-Yiltu, gnomage, 20th level of Xegony