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Message ID: 431
Date: Wed Aug 25 03:28:55 BST 1999
Author: lukas@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: My thoughts

FACT: The spyglass needs a collapsible fishing pole to make. I should
know, I made one :P

FACT: The collapsible fishing pole is a player made item. Here's a snip
right from the everquestmanual.txt:

>TINKERING: Allows Gnomes to fabricate mechanical items.
>Example: Collapsible fishing pole, Gnomish Fireworks, and a Spyglass.
>Requires: Toolbox

Hmm what ever happend to the fireworks BTW? Probably in the same book as
the firewater and collapsible pole :P

In any case, its in there but we haven't found it yet.

Some newly found info: The spyglass sells to merchants for exactly 16pp.
By comparison, I get 8gp/1.6pp flameless lantern, 9.6pp/15pp cams,
12pp/18.4pp for stalking probes and lockpicks. This is with a Bristlebane
Rogue with a 60cha and indifferent /con. In that case the pole could cost
4-8pp to make (ballpark figure). Keep in mind that the sell back price
ISN'T always directly related to component costs. Pie tin patch comes to


At 11:42 AM 8/24/99 -0500, you wrote:
>From: Nick Emmerich <seorin@...>
>Reading this, a thought occured to me. I wouldn't put it past Verant to have
>made a way to make spyglasses without collapsible fishing poles. Then,
they will
>change that "bug" once collapsible fishing poles can be made by players.
If this
>is true, the person selling spyglasses really can't tell us how to make
>collapsible fishing poles because he doesn't know. He's just making
>spyglasses... he could be lying about making collapsible fishing poles to
>us off. I'm not saying somebody would do that, but he IS trying to keep a
>monopoly on the market, and I can't say I blame him with the money he's
>All I'm really trying to say is we're probably assuming too much. The brewers
>went through something similar with bog juice awhile back. Nobody knew it and
>EVERYBODY was trying to figure out the recipe. Once the recipe was found
>(actually, it got posted by a GM), it was nothing like anybody had been
>People were using yeast, malt, hops, and barley in a drink that requires
>more than snake scales and water. Collapsible fishing poles, if they're
>to begin with, could be made with a rod, a pine needle, and a gear for all we
>know. Hell, for all we know, a rod, a pine needle, and a gear makes the
>-Rennin of E'Ci
> Trade Council GM
>Aaron Bolch wrote:
>> From: "Aaron Bolch" <aaronbolch@...>
>> Thought #1:
>> Before taking an extended break from Everquest to pursue a job, I spent
>> nearly 150 pp making flameless lanterns and my skill remained "Below
>> Average". I was told by a GM that tinkering is one of the hardest
skills to
>> train, so perhaps I am either unlucky, or the skill is nearly impossible to
>> train up now.
>> Fact #1:
>> You cannot train tinkering using skill points. I have tried it. It is
>> like other trade skills, in that you can only use training points to get it
>> so far before you must actually use the skill to learn it.
>> Thought #2:
>> If the collapsible fishing pole was in a shop, it would have been found
>> ago. Of course, if it was only added in recently, then it may have yet to
>> be found. In any case, it still doesn't solve the problem of not having
>> recipe to make them.
>> Thought #3:
>> The collapsible fishing pole recipe should be fairly cheap to make. I
>> really doubt that Verant made it difficult, considering it is a component
>> for another item. So, this should limit the parts to those costing 1 pp or
>> less, with the total cost not exceeding 5 pp.
>> Thought #4:
>> Whoever assumed that the spyglasses were being sold for 50% over cost is
>> assuming way too much. If you are the only producer of an item, you can
>> demand a much higher profit return on that item.
>> Thought #5:
>> There is no such thing as a "secret" on Everquest. There are too many
>> people playing the game, making any new discovery part of the common
>> knowledge base within a few weeks.
>> Thought #6:
>> Seeing "broken" quests, items, and spells in the past, I wouldn't put it
>> past Verant that the collapsible fishing pole recipe isn't really in the
>> game. I am merely speculating, but I find it rather hard to believe that
>> after months of uptime, not one gnome has found the recipe to such a
>> item as the collapsible fishing pole.
>> Thought #7:
>> This is perhaps the most overriding aspect of this whole ridiculous thread
>> about the collapsible fishing pole recipe. There are literally hundreds of
>> items that could be used as a component, and it doesn't necessarily have to
>> make any sense whatsoever. Trying to guess it blindly is just like playing
>> the lottery. You might get lucky, but we don't have the hundreds of
>> thousands of players needed to insure that SOMEONE gets lucky.
>> Phenglei of Erollisi Marr