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Message ID: 10079
Date: Mon Nov 15 08:27:50 GMT 1999
Author: flash@xxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Bards always complaining

Its actually pretty funny you bring this up (the guitar part).

I have a few 'tricks' I get my bard to do to entertain parties (my job
too, since I don't stare at a silly book 90% of the game). *cackles at the
finger wigglers*

(People whining about taking so long to mem a song... give it a rest. We
NEVER have to stare at that song EXCEPT to swap them out. No Mana = No

Oftentimes while singing the heal song, I get reqeusts for 'Smoke on the
Water', or Ozzy Osbourne or some such thing. Here is a cute visual to do
for these folks.

When you play your lute, you can swap out your current 2nd hand item, and
if you are in the middle of the animation for the lute, that item while
REPLACE the lute in the animation.

I like to swap out my silvery war axe for the lute, this giving the
'Playing My Axe' impression for the metal heads in my group.


Maybe next time I'll teach you all how to do elven bowling! (I love stupid
EQ tricks), or for a more 'useful' trick. teach you how to make SoS
(Spirit of Snake) potions... =)


Frashii (Vanitii?), Bardess in her 29th Drumstick
Seekers of Lore officer, Tarew Marr http://www.loreseekers.com/

> From: "Christopher Andrews" <cmandy_drew@...>
> Subject: Re: Bards always complaining
> Bards and friends,
> IMHO i love that "surfing" look as we speed across the lands. It does in
> fact set us apart from any other class, along with the fact that no other
> can sing. =P
> If Verant changes our animation, I'll absolutely die! hehe Only becuase
> I'm a gnarly dude, I don't know about anyone else LOL!
> And yes, I'm still awaiting the strumming the drum effect to be debugged,
> although we look like we're playing air guitar. So it's all good i suppose.
> Pava, Bard of 16 verses (almost to dual wield!! yay!!)
> Silent Dragons
> Cazic Thule