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Message ID: 10080
Date: Mon Nov 15 08:47:42 GMT 1999
Author: hho@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Subject: Re: Lambent

>Message: 25
> Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 16:43:02 -0500
> From: "Josh Moore" <josh@...>
>Subject: Re: Lambent
>so, you say because I am level 22, you have played everquest as a bard
>longer than I have? Perhaps you have, but that does not mean you are
>special. For your information, I have played Martyn as a bard since Day one,
>And even phase 3 beta. If you have played longer than that, good for you.

Ive been an addict since p4 beta, not that it matters much in my oppinion.

>My works schedule fluxuates, not to mention I am in no race to make level
>50. which explains my level 22 self. I esplore, I goof around. I sing songs
>in concert. I roleplay.
>Being level 40 whatever doesnt make you better than me.
>nor anyone else.
>that is the tone I objected to.
>And a level 22 bard is wearing bronze Breasplate, bronze bracers, bronze
>boots. blackened iron arms, and legs. and some bit of leather.
>I was in leather until level 16, when I replaced it with some expensive
>bronze. and then the BI, when I visited runnyeye
>Like I said. I am not a twink. The only thing I have ever been given is a
>barbed whip and some advice.

I have the same "problem" (lvl 24bard played exclusivly since 22th of april) ,
but I dident take harmonics message this way..
Bard armor should be no drop. as many of the components are. I do get a bit
envius when I see a level 14 bard wearing a lambent BP, but atleast I know I
will get mine eventually.
Well I am still wearing banded sleeves, leather boots varius pieces of bronze
and some reacently aquired elfhide gloves.
I have been given stuff from high level players though. I remember these things
most notably:
Bloodstained mantle - In unrest a person shouts out if anyone have seen his
corpse. Well I tell him that I can take a look for him with my song. I find his
corpse barely visable at the house. He thanks me heartly and gives me a BS
mantle!! At level 16 or so thats a big thing. So needless to say I was estatic.

Silvery axe - level 20, Permafrost entrance. I just stood there admiring some
highlevels killing the ice giant. When they where resting up I talked with them
and they gave me a Silvery axe - Just like that!! At first I hesitated to take
it, but my combine scimitar was getting worn and I was there with a ranger using
mino axes of all things so he could use my scimie as a good upgrade.

I guess that what i am trying to say is that being a nice guy can pay off. When
I offer my help I know that what might look simple can be a real bitch. So
sometimes I spend a hour helping a guy with not even a thank you as reward. Well
some people are a**holes so dont expect anything when helping, but those who
arent just saves the day and restores my faith.

I just got me a lambent bracer and guess what? I did it without any help from
people I know, which sure feels good. I paid 30pp for the lambent stone (a bit
too expensive yes, but it was in Highhold keep and it was the only thing i was

I have also aquired the shin greavers and the shin gauntlets - The greavers I
had some friends help me get, but the gaunts I was allowed to loot by a complete
stranger while i was hanging out at Lower Guk entrance waiting for my friends to

So keep the faith and chill :o)

****Snipped some fire hazardues stuff***
The everfriendly bard.
Musiker Silverdrum, bertox