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Message ID: 10187
Date: Tue Nov 16 21:03:18 GMT 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: RE: A time for opinions

My opinion is that what you're doing is a noble and interesting experiement
and completely centered in the Role Playing (RP) of EverQuest. There is
absolutely nothing wrong with the way that you have acquired your equipment.
My first reaction to buying Lambent items is "Hey, screw that. Fight/quest
for them and wait to level 25ish to see your first piece like the rest of
us." However, upon reflection, I'm not sure that's exactly right. I mean,
if you're a merchant and barterer by trade, then it's your RPing
responsibility to trade up for items. 10pp for a bronze BP yields 45pp,
40pp buys you a Dragoon Dirk in Crushbone that you sell for 55pp in
Freeport, etc. etc. Ultimately it's "Nice Item of the Winter Winds" or
somesuch traded for Lambent boots. You COULD achieve all of this without
ever even hitting level 2. Is that right or wrong? Dunno. It's
subjective. It's the way that you choose to play the game. Personally I
LIKE kicking the snot out of an Elite Goblin and tearing the Icy Greaves off
of his cold green legs, venturing to Lower Guk and braving things many
levels above me to get the Shin Greaves and then getting some Lambent
Greaves that are MINE. When people ask me if I want to sell them I just
think "Yeah, RIGHT." because I worked hard for them.

It's really just how you choose to play the game. I have a friend that is a
tradesman like this. Got a bard to level 10 and is just holding there,
trading, trading, trading. Runs all over the world trading but not
fighting. But as long as he's having fun, then he's getting his money's
worth out of EQ. Who am I to say he's playing the game "wrong"?

Crier Sharpsong
EQ - Pretend it's a game.

> From: rdparker@...
> First off I would like to introduce myself. I play Galeras, wood
> elf bard, on
> E'ci. If you examine my character you will see something like this:
> Hail, I am Galeras, merchant and bard, lover of fine wine and women.
> I grew up poor but do not intend to die that way. Some day I will
> live in the
> highest trees of Kelethin where only the wealthy abide.
> I wish Verant gave you more room. Anyway...
> I started this character with a simple RP idea in mind, to play a
> character
> that was not twinked and had a strong desire to become rich. I
> should mention
> that I started Galeras on a server where I have no other
> characters and no
> friends to "help". I have a few goals along the way for him, that I feel
> define "rich" and I use as milestones in my RP experiment. The
> first of which
> was to be in full bronze by level 8. A goal which I achieved last
> week after
> almost 4 days of /played time. In addition to the bronze I have a
> shiny brass
> shield, mino axe, tentacle whip, dwarven tunic and a few other things.
> Now I am sure many people will wonder how one can do this without
> twinking.
> Let me just tell you how I began. I really don't want a lot of
> people doing
> this. Believe it or not I hate twinked characters with items out
> of their reach.
> Actually I love to see an orc or goblin kill a twink in full rubicite.
> I did the Felewithe mail run twice to get my first song. Then I basically
> quested and killed things until level 5. By level 5 I probably
> had made about
> 20pp. Most of this was done by trading. I am after all a merchant
> & bard. At
> level 5 I decided to travel, one of my favorite passtimes. So, I
> picked up a
> few passengers that wanted to travel with me and I went to
> Rivervale. (I am
> constantly helping others travel, find their corpses, etc. One of
> the reasons
> I chose a bard for my experiment. They have many ways to help
> others.) I was
> hoping to find a Blackened Iron Medallion at a good price that I
> could sell
> for a profit. Instead I saw a medium bronze breastplate for 10pp.
> I bought it
> and sold it in the commons for 45pp. Anyway you no doubt get the
> idea of how I
> got to where I am.
> My questions are these:
> * Is what I am doing wrong?
> * Is it outside the spirit of the game?
> * What, if anything, can I do to dispell the illusion that I am a twink?
> * Buying lambent armour is I feel in-character for this
> character. And, I
> never thought twice about it until I was reading some recent
> posts. Will I
> be hated for it? Is it wrong? Is it simply jealousy?
> --
> Galeras (Any suggestions?)
> Bard of the 8th song
> E'ci
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> lol@... with the subject submissions.