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Message ID: 10184
Date: Tue Nov 16 20:47:17 GMT 1999
Author: David Knadler
Subject: RE: A time for opinions


> My questions are these:
> * Is what I am doing wrong?

Absolutely not. I think what you're doing is wonderful. I really wish that
I would have gotten into the "merchant" business myself. A friend of mine
is the trading, buy-low/sell-high fiend. He constantly has incredible items
and mountains of loot. Unfortunately, it can really cut into your actual
"adventuring" time. I was one of those players who _never_ did any quests
in my lower levels, and generated all my loot from creatures that I could
beat solo (I grouped maybe twice from level 1 - 15). Needless to say, I was
one miserably poor bard.

> * Is it outside the spirit of the game?

No way.

> * What, if anything, can I do to dispell the illusion that I
> am a twink?

All you can do is explain to them. Some will think you're a twink anyway.
Nothing you can do to change their opinion, so I wouldn't even bother.

> * Buying lambent armour is I feel in-character for this
> character. And, I
> never thought twice about it until I was reading some
> recent posts. Will I
> be hated for it? Is it wrong? Is it simply jealousy?

Heck no. You have every right to play your character however you see fit.
If others disagree... big deal. It's a computer game.... no one should get
that aggravated over a game (even though they do).

> --
> Galeras (Any suggestions?)


Desmei Sightblinder
Lvl 32 Bard [Povar]