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Message ID: 10450
Date: Mon Nov 22 15:34:21 GMT 1999
Author: Kyle Sibbald
Subject: RE: Re: songs question

The one thing I think you have to keep in consideration is the 'success' of
meditation at that level. Of what I've heard and would think, just becuase
your friend has Meditate doesn't mean that they will constantly be getting
the meditation increase when they sit down. Her 'luck' in succeeding the
second time might be what accounts for the less time.

Good Journey,

Sineras Silverlyre (Cazic-Thule)

8)-----Original Message-----
8)From: chris [mailto:cjeffrey@...]
8)Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 7:17 AM
8)To: eqbards@onelist.com
8)Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: songs question
8)From: "chris" <cjeffrey@...>
8)I know what everyone has said on this subject of the Jig not
8)helping mana
8)and I have done my own tests. My exgirlfriend has a highelf
8)enchanter and we
8)tested that rumor out. I had her meditate for 15 mins to make
8)sure she had a
8)total bar of mana. had her cast chaotic feedback a major DD
8)spell on her
8)self till she was out of mana. then i we timed how long it took her to
8)meditate. it took about 5 mins for her to get a full mana bar
8)back at lvl 18
8)with her wearing 0 int and mana giving items. we did it again
8)and this time
8)i sang the Jig and timed it once again this time it took about 4 mins
8)13seconds to get the mana bar back up. so it does help
8)slightly. My theory
8)is the reason why it helps slightly is because when you are
8)sing the Jig you
8)dont consume food or drink. so perhaps the programming has
8)taken the time it
8)would take for it to do checks on wheather you ear and drink
8)or not and
8)applied that to the meditating process. Frankly whether it
8)helps or not. I
8)sing it anyways during spell caster down times. It is the
8)song i use with
8)most of my Bad Poems has almost become a tradition in my
8)guild that when i
8)am singing that song i am telling a bad joke or poem.
8)Taerian Valmont of Povar
8)Jester to Erollis Marr
8)----- Original Message -----
8)From: Chris <cjeffrey@...>
8)To: <chrisj@...>
8)Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 7:06 AM
8)Subject: Fw: [eqbards] Re: songs question
8)> ----- Original Message -----
8)> From: Daniel P. Sniderman <fuzzbone@...>
8)> To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
8)> Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 2:37 AM
8)> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: songs question
8)> > From: "Daniel P. Sniderman" <fuzzbone@...>
8)> >
8)> > I had the exact same experience a couple of weeks ago - also in
8)> > (You play on Xegony server?) had two other bards in the
8)group. Neither
8)> > "twisted" at all - they just each kept one song going the
8)whole time.
8)> > doing Hymn the other doing Jig. I don't think they even bellowed.
8)> >
8)> > I got into a major argument with one of the bards about
8)the Jig thing.
8)> > was funny that laughed off "the old rumor that Jig
8)DOESN'T increase mana
8)> > recovery"
8)> >
8)> > The interesting thing about it - one of my best bud's and
8)guildmates - a
8)> > cleric - felt that it WAS helping him. This is a VERY
8)> player.
8)> > I explained to him the "apparent speed" issue - and he
8)still felt it
8)> > increased mana recovery.
8)> >
8)> > The thing to keep in mind about my bud - he lives in a
8)remote part of
8)> > Wisconsin - has TERRIBLE connectivity - goes linkdead
8)constantly. He
8)> > has bad PL/ping. So I suspect that in the case of these
8)people bad
8)> > connectivity - the jig song actually may help. Jig may
8)> > more frequent server updates. For those of us lucky
8)enough to have
8)> > broadband access - or clean dialups - more frequent
8)server updates makes
8)> no
8)> > difference - so we KNOW jig doesn't help. But perhaps
8)for the others -
8)> > perhaps it negates the lag caused by the bad connectivity?
8)> >
8)> > Just one bard's theory here..
8)> >
8)> > Slyde
8)> > ----- Original Message -----
8)> > From: Jason Rochelle <Jasroc@...>
8)> > To: <eqbards@onelist.com>; <Brett@...>
8)> > Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999 9:47 PM
8)> > Subject: [eqbards] Re: songs question
8)> >
8)> >
8)> > > From: Jason Rochelle <Jasroc@...>
8)> > >
8)> > >
8)> > > On a different topic, I grouped in HHK last week and
8)there was already
8)> > > bard in the party, using weapons. I had to ask her 3
8)times what she
8)> > > singing (so I could sing other songs so as to not
8)conflict) and she
8)> > > finally said "well, mostly bellow, and chains if they
8)run". Then after
8)> > > each combat, while the party members were injured, she
8)would sing
8)> > > "Jaxan's Jig o' Vigor" so that the cleric could get
8)mana back faster
8)> > > heal. I sent her a private tell explaining jig doesn't aid mana
8)> > > recovery, and she informed me that she KNEW it did,
8)because a level 32
8)> > > wiz told her it did. I suggested she try to test it
8)sometime, she said
8)> > > the wiz's word was good enough for her. How
8)frustrating! I refuse to
8)> > > play Jig for anyone, no matter how many people tell me
8)it helps. I ran
8)> > > test myself, and came up with ZERO increase in
8)recovery, so I feel
8)> > > confident when I say to the casters "Jig does not aid
8)mana recovery"
8)> > > should make a hotkey for that :). Can't Verant just put
8)a note in the
8)> > > news confirming and denying some basic rumors like this
8)and the 6
8)> > > XP bonus? Would make our lives easier :)
8)> > >
8)> >
8)> > > > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
8)> with the subject submissions.
8)> >
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