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Message ID: 10455
Date: Mon Nov 22 15:51:55 GMT 1999
Author: chris
Subject: Re: Re: songs question

that is something that i have never thought off hmmm how true.
Taerian Valmont

----- Original Message -----
From: Kyle Sibbald <ksibbald@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 10:34 AM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Re: songs question

> From: "Kyle Sibbald" <ksibbald@...>
> The one thing I think you have to keep in consideration is the 'success'
> meditation at that level. Of what I've heard and would think, just becuase
> your friend has Meditate doesn't mean that they will constantly be getting
> the meditation increase when they sit down. Her 'luck' in succeeding the
> second time might be what accounts for the less time.
> Good Journey,
> Sineras Silverlyre (Cazic-Thule)
> 8)-----Original Message-----
> 8)From: chris [mailto:cjeffrey@...]
> 8)Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 7:17 AM
> 8)To: eqbards@onelist.com
> 8)Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: songs question
> 8)
> 8)
> 8)From: "chris" <cjeffrey@...>
> 8)
> 8)I know what everyone has said on this subject of the Jig not
> 8)helping mana
> 8)and I have done my own tests. My exgirlfriend has a highelf
> 8)enchanter and we
> 8)tested that rumor out. I had her meditate for 15 mins to make
> 8)sure she had a
> 8)total bar of mana. had her cast chaotic feedback a major DD
> 8)spell on her
> 8)self till she was out of mana. then i we timed how long it took her to
> 8)meditate. it took about 5 mins for her to get a full mana bar
> 8)back at lvl 18
> 8)with her wearing 0 int and mana giving items. we did it again
> 8)and this time
> 8)i sang the Jig and timed it once again this time it took about 4 mins
> 8)13seconds to get the mana bar back up. so it does help
> 8)slightly. My theory
> 8)is the reason why it helps slightly is because when you are
> 8)sing the Jig you
> 8)dont consume food or drink. so perhaps the programming has
> 8)taken the time it
> 8)would take for it to do checks on wheather you ear and drink
> 8)or not and
> 8)applied that to the meditating process. Frankly whether it
> 8)helps or not. I
> 8)sing it anyways during spell caster down times. It is the
> 8)song i use with
> 8)most of my Bad Poems has almost become a tradition in my
> 8)guild that when i
> 8)am singing that song i am telling a bad joke or poem.
> 8)
> 8)Taerian Valmont of Povar
> 8)Jester to Erollis Marr
> 8)
> 8)----- Original Message -----
> 8)From: Chris <cjeffrey@...>
> 8)To: <chrisj@...>
> 8)Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 7:06 AM
> 8)Subject: Fw: [eqbards] Re: songs question
> 8)
> 8)
> 8)>
> 8)> ----- Original Message -----
> 8)> From: Daniel P. Sniderman <fuzzbone@...>
> 8)> To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
> 8)> Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 2:37 AM
> 8)> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: songs question
> 8)>
> 8)>
> 8)> > From: "Daniel P. Sniderman" <fuzzbone@...>
> 8)> >
> 8)> > I had the exact same experience a couple of weeks ago - also in
> 8)Highkeep!
> 8)> > (You play on Xegony server?) had two other bards in the
> 8)group. Neither
> 8)> > "twisted" at all - they just each kept one song going the
> 8)whole time.
> 8)One
> 8)> > doing Hymn the other doing Jig. I don't think they even bellowed.
> 8)> >
> 8)> > I got into a major argument with one of the bards about
> 8)the Jig thing.
> 8)It
> 8)> > was funny that laughed off "the old rumor that Jig
> 8)DOESN'T increase mana
> 8)> > recovery"
> 8)> >
> 8)> > The interesting thing about it - one of my best bud's and
> 8)guildmates - a
> 8)> > cleric - felt that it WAS helping him. This is a VERY
> 8)knowledgeable
> 8)> player.
> 8)> > I explained to him the "apparent speed" issue - and he
> 8)still felt it
> 8)> > increased mana recovery.
> 8)> >
> 8)> > The thing to keep in mind about my bud - he lives in a
> 8)remote part of
> 8)> > Wisconsin - has TERRIBLE connectivity - goes linkdead
> 8)constantly. He
> 8)> ALWAYS
> 8)> > has bad PL/ping. So I suspect that in the case of these
> 8)people bad
> 8)> > connectivity - the jig song actually may help. Jig may
> 8)essentially
> 8)force
> 8)> > more frequent server updates. For those of us lucky
> 8)enough to have
> 8)> > broadband access - or clean dialups - more frequent
> 8)server updates makes
> 8)> no
> 8)> > difference - so we KNOW jig doesn't help. But perhaps
> 8)for the others -
> 8)> > perhaps it negates the lag caused by the bad connectivity?
> 8)> >
> 8)> > Just one bard's theory here..
> 8)> >
> 8)> > Slyde
> 8)> > ----- Original Message -----
> 8)> > From: Jason Rochelle <Jasroc@...>
> 8)> > To: <eqbards@onelist.com>; <Brett@...>
> 8)> > Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999 9:47 PM
> 8)> > Subject: [eqbards] Re: songs question
> 8)> >
> 8)> >
> 8)> > > From: Jason Rochelle <Jasroc@...>
> 8)> > >
> 8)> > >
> 8)> > > On a different topic, I grouped in HHK last week and
> 8)there was already
> 8)a
> 8)> > > bard in the party, using weapons. I had to ask her 3
> 8)times what she
> 8)was
> 8)> > > singing (so I could sing other songs so as to not
> 8)conflict) and she
> 8)> > > finally said "well, mostly bellow, and chains if they
> 8)run". Then after
> 8)> > > each combat, while the party members were injured, she
> 8)would sing
> 8)> > > "Jaxan's Jig o' Vigor" so that the cleric could get
> 8)mana back faster
> 8)to
> 8)> > > heal. I sent her a private tell explaining jig doesn't aid mana
> 8)> > > recovery, and she informed me that she KNEW it did,
> 8)because a level 32
> 8)> > > wiz told her it did. I suggested she try to test it
> 8)sometime, she said
> 8)> > > the wiz's word was good enough for her. How
> 8)frustrating! I refuse to
> 8)> > > play Jig for anyone, no matter how many people tell me
> 8)it helps. I ran
> 8)a
> 8)> > > test myself, and came up with ZERO increase in
> 8)recovery, so I feel
> 8)> > > confident when I say to the casters "Jig does not aid
> 8)mana recovery"
> 8)(I
> 8)> > > should make a hotkey for that :). Can't Verant just put
> 8)a note in the
> 8)> > > news confirming and denying some basic rumors like this
> 8)and the 6
> 8)person
> 8)> > > XP bonus? Would make our lives easier :)
> 8)> > >
> 8)> >
> 8)> > > > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> 8)lol@...
> 8)> with the subject submissions.
> 8)> >
> 8)>
> 8)>
> 8)
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> 8)Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
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> 8)
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.