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Message ID: 10463
Date: Mon Nov 22 17:07:16 GMT 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: Cazic-Thule: A recommendation

> From: Jason Rochelle <Jasroc@...>
> First let me say, I am 30th, and I hunt in CT also. I was in a group
> just yesterday, and I was twisting Psalm, Hymn with lute, and Anthem,
> Chaining the runners, with occasional charms and pixie strikes, and one
> instance of screech when things turned bad. I never equiped my weapons.
> Minite

Cazic-Thule, how I love thee so.

I have SHOT from 30th to 34th in CT. Each time I level I get tells saying
"OMG, congratulations on your new level! How the hell do you do it?" And I
keep telling them: Get to Cazic-Thule. Learn the place. Make some friends
that are a couple of levels higher than you that you see in there a lot
'cause they probably leveled there several times and know the place well.
Stay there even when the place is rough on you initially (and it will be).
Pick up all the fine steel weapons you can carry. Maybe get a couple-three
lizzie cloaks and mantles.

Cazic-Thule has a different feel to it from all the other places that you
may have fought. This seems to turn some people off. They get in there,
find out that it's "different" from fighting Aviaks or Goblins (i.e. die a
couple of times) and so they go back to doing what they are experienced
with. There is NO WAY that you can make decent experience at the Aviak
Village on Fennin Ro unless you just *happen* to get lucky and get into the
penthouse group. Every Av that spawns at the village is jumped in 2 seconds
flat, so you have a group of 4-6 people running around like mad just to find
the occassional blue. Even in the penthouse group you're not going to do
anywhere nearly as well as in a decent group in Cazic-Thule. The Avs are
just uber-camped.

It is not uncommon for me to leave Cazic-Thule with my Evil Eye Bag filled
to overflowing with FS weapons. I run to either the gypsy camp in Rathe
Mts. where they're indifferent to me, or the bard guild in FP if I'm going
there anyhow and sell 'em all for 60pp-ish. If you couple that with the
1-4pp cash drops I occassionally push 80pp there for a good 4-6 hour
session, PLUS the exp. is awesome. At 34th, the exp. has started to slow
down a bit per-lizzie, but if you get in the Archon group you have an
ENDLESS supply of lizards to pull from. With a balanced group, my clarity,
maybe an enchanter, we're basically fighting lizzies non-stop. This REALLY
keeps the orange bar moving. There's usually a Rogue or two in the group
camping the Archon for the rare Ravenscale, so you can be quite sure the
lizzies won't be too concerned about you, as there's no greater taunt in the
game than a couple of good solid backstabs.

As an aside, I cook - I actually carry a spit around with me. For a female
half-elf bard this is really in character, plus it's a ton of fun. My
cooking skill has gotten up to where I can make cookies, so I try to carry
around cookies and milk and pass them out to folks that I like. While this
is VERY entertaining, it also provides you and your group with an endless
supply of Lizard-On-A-Stick, Beer Braised Gator, and Pickled Lizard. My
usual group members in Cazic-Thule now just say "Hey Crier, rattle them pots
and pans for me, I'm low on food." I normally buy my cooking supplies in
East Commonlands at one of the bldgs adjacent to the first Inn, however, if
I run out of Sauces or Spices while in Cazic-Thule I run up to the Oggok
gate in Feerrott and buy from Bup the vendor outside. Bup is indifferent to
me, and was green the first time I ever conned him at 31st or 32nd. The
only risk here is the wandering Bouncer, but I have yet to see one near this
vendor. He doesn't sell food, but he does sell milk if you get thirsty.
Otherwise the nearest "good" vendor is over in Rathe Mts. at the Inn or
Gypsy camp.

There's a lot more to know about Cazic-Thule, but I really want to recommend
it to all the bards around 27th on up to around 36th. It's great money,
great experience and great items (Lizard Scale Cloak, Lizard Scale Mantle,
Bladed Thulian Claws, Lizardskin Tribal Mask, etc.)

Crier Sharpsong - 34th song bard on Fennin Ro