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Message ID: 10464
Date: Mon Nov 22 17:55:35 GMT 1999
Author: Abraham Hardjana
Subject: RE: Grand Opening!

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Jeff Illian wrote:

> From: "Jeff Illian" <jeff@...>
> Thanks for these useful tips! I hit level 27 yesterday and decided to
> practice on Griffeenes to get my charm. I noticed a couple of things during
> my 8 successful and 3 unsuccessful attempts, 1 ending in with my death.
> 1) Once, the Griffeene just flat out disappeared when my pet killed it.
> The only thing I did differently in this case was using one griffeene
> against another. They are so hard to find, so I couldn't pass up that
> opportunity. Anyone know what might have caused this?

It has never happened to me but what could have happened was at the time
the Griffenne that was your pet started it's killing blow it became
uncharmed. Hence you lose the kill because your former pet was the
creature that dealt the most damage.

> 2) If I didn't immediately give the griffawn the attack command on the
> griffeene, it tended to attack lions and grizzlies indescrimately. My only
> death using sirens was from a mini-train of grizzlies and highland lions. I
> should have aborted my attempt and zoned, but I didn't want to loose the
> Griffeene (I almost had it!). If I immediately ran up to the fawn and gave
> it an attack order on the feene the first time I charmed it, then I didn't
> need to give any orders for the rest of the battle.

This is the result of anything that would attack a player at the same
level as the Griffawn will attack the Griffawn and you. You really have
to risk a few hits to get that fawn to attack the griffenne. After a bit
of practice you can easily do it with no problems.

> 3) It sucks when you choose a greenie too small. You tell it to attack and
> it runs off... Once one brought back GF. I don't have a MM yet, but I was
> able to stay ahead of GF. I did get to zone safe on that one. I've heard
> stories about GF's speed? Did I just get lucky?

Yes that happened to me a number of times too. Died to GF about 2 times
in my times trying to perfect this hunting technique. Another horrbile
side effect of charm is never to charm anything near guards. If the
guards have hit your pet once and the Guard is at the top of the hatelist
when you charm you are in very big trouble. I got whacked by the gypsies
in NK in this manner.

> 4) If you are like me, give it up in the rain. I killed 2 of them in the
> rain, but both times I had a bubble of life left, mostly because of messed
> up timings on switch back to Selo. I have no sense of direction or speed in
> the fog.

The fog is perhaps the most dangerous time to do this in. The only way it
becomes feasible is to run a circle really close to the zone. If you
don't you get some unexpected surprises. This happened to me in my first
GF death. Was charm/kiting two fennes and then one of them insta died.
Should have ran immediately. Oh well at least I was greated with the ever

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> 11 attempts attempts and no charms :-(. Oh well, back at it again tonight.
> This was my very first Solo'ing experience in 27 levels as a bard, and I
> must admit it was fun, although VERY time consuming.

If you can get a friend who is a ranger soloing in the SK Aviak Village is
sooo easy. I was abble to get a level 26 ranger and myself a level 27
bard to hunt there. We were able to kill Aviak Rooks with extreme ease.
In fact we were able to kill 4 in a row with next to no downtime. THe
only problem is that place is camped everynight and you will go insane
trying to find a rook or harrier to kill. Gotta love snare/fear ^_^.

Treilanin Loreweaver
Bard of Kelethin
Honour Guard, Karana