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Message ID: 10913
Date: Wed Dec 1 21:31:56 GMT 1999
Author: Bobby
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Sylly Charms

Greetings and Hi Frashii,

Rambling wasnt the word pssssssssss (:))

Yes the arena was pretty fun yesterday sorry I poofed like that so quick
some main breaker in my apartments went out :(

I agree communication between bards in the best way to learn. The arena is
also one of the best ways.. every level I get a new song that I want to
learn EVERYTHING about me and my enchanter buddy run to the arena in fp and
cast away... same when he gets a new spell level.

I know probably 90% of the bards on Tarew Marr. I consider my self the most
sociable of them all. I talk with everyone help everyone all the time. I
give away staff's of writhing like they are candy... I find so much pleasure
in talking bard talk and helping people. Some of the higher levelers I talk
to are kinda short with me but all in all they are good people (aite
50,mercedez 50, ryana 50, denuvian 30something)

THIS LIST its self has helped me emmensly. It has made me a better bard in
general. I dont use everything stated here for the fact it just doesnt work
for me.. but thats all part of it. everyone is different..

Thanks for all the SOS potions my enchanter bud appreciates it :)

Tuldar 40th song Tarew Marr
-----Original Message-----
From: flash@... <flash@...>
To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 1:14 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Re: Re: Sylly Charms

>From: flash@...
>Heya all =) (Yet another rambling Frashii post),
>I use this method myself for power leveling lower people in my guild =)
> (But upon relfection, MES would be a MUCH easier way to do this, Thanks
> Jaez!)
>I usually take 1 or 2 people to East Karana, pull a Undead Gnoll Reaver,
>Gnoll Reaver or Griffawn (anything yellow/red to them) and beat it to
>within an inch (cm) of its life, snare it, charm it, then lets the
>newbies kill it off.
>They get GREAT exp, (Imagine killing reds for 2 hours with no downtime),
>and I get the satisfaction of helping my guildmates and advertising how
>cool bards are :)
>Last night, a bard on my server, Tuldar (thanks!), showed me just how
>nifty Pixie Strike was in the Arena. I used it in Highpass Keep, and for
>once, our finger wiggling casters didn't get hit once!! I just constantly
>played pixie strike (ignoring the "Just play the mana song"), while
>weaving in the mana song, and my group was AMAZED.
>"You mean, you sped up our attack, mana songed AND stopped the monster
>from aggroing on the finger wigglers? WOW! Do you cook too?"
>What was I to do ? I handed out Gnome and Troll shaped cookies with
>bottles of Kalish (no milk in highpass keep).
>I tend to get chosen for groups pretty quick now :)
>Moral(s) of the Story :
> 1) Advertise, Advertise, Advertise
> Let people KNOW what tricks you are doing. They don't know
> what 'Eyes glaze over' and 'Surrounded by Chains of Music'
> mean. Communicate. You will find other people in your group
> will start to do the same.
> 2) ALWAYS take an opportunity to chat with fellow bards. Make
> friends. As a class, we of all people need to talk shop
> a LOT. We have a TON of neat songs, but without the knowledge
> they are like that sewing machine in the other room. Ie. a
> great tool, but worthless because lack of skill and knowledge.
> 3) Take a night off occasionally to help lower leveled friends.
> They might be your groupmates some day if they suddenly gain
> a bunch of levels :)
>Frashii (Vanitii?), Bard in the 32nd Key
>Seekers of Lore Officer, Tarew Marr http://www.loreseekers.com
>PS. Wow did I get lucky. I found a Rune that a level 50 finger wigger
> needed on a deepwater croc, and asked him if he would help my friend
> (who I was there on a mission with me in Oasis) get the last spoke he
> needed from the deepwater goblin spire.
> Well, the mob agrod on him, and I went and tanked it until he could
> cast on it. We had to zone (had 3 more there too), but when we came
> back, the one we killed HAD THE OPALINE HELM!
> At the time, I had NO idea what the helm was for I just thought,
> "Look its black! I look soooo good!"
> Sure glad I looted it =D
>PPS. Could have looted a Gypsie Lute Last night
> had I been in Mistmoor... =(
>PPPS. I Sure would like some different clothes to wear to weddings
> and such. I've been the maid of honor at 2 weddings (3 on Saturday),
> and I've attended them in either my all bronze (level 18 or so), or
> my current getup of 'TV Antenna' (quick raise your right arm,
> channel 7 isnt coming in!) (all silvery).
> A Nice white dress would be nice :P