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Message ID: 11026
Date: Thu Dec 2 18:25:53 GMT 1999
Author: Robin Wise 3
Subject: Re: Broken Song - Why it Happened

>Message: 24
> Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:57:35 -0500 (EST)
> From: Dave Gaines <dave@...>
>Subject: Re: Broken Song
>Hey, levitate for all classes is broken. Stop being so paranoid that
>Verant hates your class only.

Ummm actually, no, sorry. Levitate is only broken for people who need to
refresh it constantly to use it. Other classes are now limited to their 5
or 10 or 20 minute duration, whatever the case. Bards are now limited to at
most 18 seconds of flight. This is not the same thing at all. The purpose
of the song is to allow people to travel in places they otherwise couldn't.
Other classes still can with levitate, bards can't. Do casters fall to the
ground every 18 seconds when levitating? No. Thus yes, it does affect only
our class.

Rumor has it that this patch was intended to fix a problem with the Pegasus
Cloak (off Quillmane in SK - I think the item name is something like that).
It seems that by hitting the proc (unlimited charges) over and over you
could rise very fast into the air. Verant, in their infinite wisdom, fixed
this problem by making it impossible to refresh any levitate effect. Had
any bard-players been on the develpoment team you would think (I certainly
would, in any case) that the obvious effect on bards would be, well,

PLEASE /bug this and /feedback this until they fix it. Do not stop because
you heard a rumor that it was unintentional, or because they say they will
fix it soon. The more they hear from us, the more it will be a priority for
the development team.

Aloro Silvertongue (E'ci)
frustrated red-headed stepchild