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Message ID: 11027
Date: Thu Dec 2 18:33:18 GMT 1999
Author: jhenders@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Broken Song

On Thu, Dec 02/99, Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...> wrote:
> From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
> > Yes it is broken for all classes, but... The other classes still have a
> > usuable spell, while our song is completely worthless till they fix it.
> I don't understand why you all think it's broken for casters?
> They cannot cast levitate on themselves while they are already
> levitating - so what? They never did that before, that I can
> tell. You lose lev, remem lev, and recast lev. The only person
> I saw jamming on levitate like 50 times was a GM to make him rise
> high above anyone. And it's my belief why they attempted to
> correct levitate due to the people who would levitate themselves
> over and over to heights where they could easily overcome obstacles.
> (The ledge in Permafrost to Lady Vox comes to mind)

OMG! (picture a light bulb over my head at this point) Your last
statement caused it. That's why they screwed up levitate. As usual, this
is another ill thought out, badly implemented nerf of something they
consider an exploit for dragon killing. Every bloody nerf lately has
been because of their precious dragons and this looks like yet another.

I hate to sound paranoid here, but hasn't anyone else noticed this? Look
at the transcripts from Smedley's appearance at the monk sit in. He
admitted that that was why they nerfed feign death as well, and the
history of many other nerfs has related right back to the nerfed
skill/spell/whatever being used to kill dragons or recover bodys semi
safely after failing. The only difference here is that this one wasn't
even tested on bards, just like our songs aren't even tested before
being put in production.

If (and I'm not sure it would be worth it yet) bards are going to
protest with a sit in, it should be over the testing issue, not this
specific incident. It really looks like either they don't have someone
at Verant who "owns" bards, both from a programming and testing
standpoint, or if they do, it's someone who is incompetent or doesn't

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
GAT d- -p+(--) c++++ l++ u++ t- m--- W--- !v
b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*