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Message ID: 11932
Date: Thu Dec 16 17:54:47 GMT 1999
Author: Bobby
Subject: Re: Song Taunting.

Greetings from Trew Marr!

That is an excellent post.. I wish you played on my server we need more
people like you on this server.

I consider my self one of the lucky ones... Since cazic thule (i am 40th now
STILL) I got a regular (i mean 99% of the time regular) group Me 40th bard
40th enchanter 45 (he passed us the looser hehe) Pure barb warrior 40 shaman
we work SO well togeather now that 2 and even sometimes 3 red to me at 40th
mobs (so at least 43rd levle) mobs can be dropped with NO zoning or dieing.
Shaman and chanter med constandly.. shaman usually hits one dot then heals
and meds chanter stun is LOW LOW mana and he mez charm meds what ever needs
to be done.. We work so well togeather it almost makes me feel guilty for
the exp we are getting from red mobs because it is so easy..

On the occasion I play earlier than them and need to find another group
(till they get on) I out of habbit am yelling commands... NORMALLY ill send
BIG hints like if I see a cleric standing up and we have been fighting for a
while ill ask clerics name " whats your mana status... umm 40%.. im ok med
med med" :) or HEAL so and so..
etc... sometimes this will agrovate some groups but as you all know.. I am a
bard I CAN be picky about my groups...

even at 40th I feel I am pretty well known for being a BARD not a pure tank
or a pure mana singer.. I get tells constantly to group even when I have
been in zone for hours already :) Since I left my current guild I get NO
LESS than 4 or 5 guild invites a day during prime time....

when I have 2 or more tanks in group my weapons go in a bag... and out comes
lute drum etc depending on situation....

Just thought I would add my 2 cents of total agreement ... and have had
similar experiences as you :)

Tuldar 40th bard
Nuldar 40th Necromancer(if I remember back the 4 months since I have played
Tarew Marr.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 11:28 AM
Subject: [eqbards] Song Taunting.

>From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
> So, the other day in SolB - the usual bat/bug group formed.
> Made 48th as I predicted, but I found that I was controlling
> the group more so than I have ever before. And well, some
> L50 people decided to be 'back seat bards' - which I promptly
> disbanded them. Had to tell the shamans to stop piercing the
> bats for 5 and 6 dmg, and sit their pretty arses on the floor
> to med. Had to get the cleric on the floor a few times too.
> Had to plan spell attacks, since the shaman was trying to
> malaise the bat and poison it, before drowsying it. Just
> little things like that tend to make me wonder how these
> people made L45+. I mean if you wanted to swing a sword
> or pierce with a spear, you shoulda decided that 40+ levels
> ago. If medding is boring, or you wanna raise your X skill
> then I politely ask that those people either cease or leave.
> Sounds strict, but when you have people's lives in danger,
> and monsters that can hit in the 100s, I'd like the cleric
> to be medding for heals rather than bashing something with
> a hammer and doing < 10 dmg, mostly wiffing. Then you've
> got these clerics that must nuke no matter what, <rolls eyes>.
> Wasn't a good night, like the one before, to say the least.
> Some idiot wanted me to twist manasong in battle, when we only
> had one caster and no snarer. heh. Chains alone basically is
> a job in itself on these LDCs and lava beetles. The same idiot
> got fussy cause I wasn't playing the 'healsong' for him during
> multiple mob pulls. (Without an enchanter, I become a shotgun
> pixie striker - and that is in fact a full time job) Making
> two lava beetles disappear from battle with pixie strike is
> a huge challenge. But this dude kept ranting about how I should
> be healing him at 6 or 7 hp per tick, heh. So he takes a hit
> for 102 and I heal back 7 of that - whooptiedoo! <g>
> The next pull, I agree to show him what happens when I just
> 'speed him up and heal him' as he put it. 2 sonic bats, and
> 1 lava beetle show up. I start berserk, no problems. They
> stick on the tanks. I twist healsong, and instantly I am
> swarmed... down two bubbles in less than 3 seconds. Already
> proven my point, then begin to attempt to recover this f'up
> with pixie, the guy is asking where the speed and heal are.
> After all the things were killed, I located the hotkey bank
> with my Disband button and clicked it for him.
> o Manasong seems to have very low taunt if any at all.
> o Berserk may or may not get the attention of creatures,
> it seems to depend on how close I am to the unconfronted
> mobs.
> o Hymm is absolute instant aggression.
> o I would imagine Binding, and other AE songs like Lullaby
> would create a fair amount of aggression too.
> Harmonic.
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