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Message ID: 12158
Date: Thu Dec 23 03:10:13 GMT 1999
Author: Kyle Sibbald
Subject: RE: 1st Impression of Paw

I have been in Paws ever since it opened up (Hi Fflewduer. Ya I remember ya
in there :) and I like it. I learned the place back when it was the old Paws
and just had to pick up on the new spawn points. I'd have to say that they
added about 50% more spawns in the place. I think this made things a bit
worse than the old Paws in terms of trains. I've seen whole parties of high
level players wiped out in certain areas. An Enchanter or a super good
puller is pretty much required unless you use the massive groups trick.
The old spawn spots used to be Lenrel/Grisok in the back, Ghanex Drah in
the maze, Ren'Rex/Phido up the steps, and Kurrpok/Zixx Nenix thru the water
passage. The first three have been moved out to South Karana so that monks
can still obtain the orange headband. Kurrpok is still inside of Paws. Let's
just say that he is being tried for his 'crimes'...
The new things to go after are close to the same places. As you mentioned,
there is The Ishva Mal, the 'Supreme Ruler' of the gnolls. Rosch Val L'Vlor
has an item befitting of its type. Tesch Val Deval'Nmak also has an item
befitting of its type. I have never gone after Tesch Val Kadvem or Nisch Val
Torask Mashk so I don't know if/what they have on them. My guess is that
they also have fitting items.
The jail cells don't have any secret levers. If you get stuck you either
have to call fiends to help or wait for someone to come and do the Soulfire
quest. :)
And I always hated that shaman room too. It's even worse now. The
Executioner isn't partial to healing an injured gnoll running by. It'll just
light you up instead. =80

Good Journey

Sineras Silverlyre, The Divine Alliance (Cazic-Thule)

-----Original Message-----
From: James Schuldes [mailto:jgs@...]
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 2:48 PM
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
Subject: RE: [eqbards] 1st Impression of Paw

From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>

First of all your observation on the linkage between the mobs is correct.
It has always been that way. And that has made it one of the more
challenging places to fite. Trains - ya Paw has always had trains when more
people used to play there. So you made it to the double doors? Wooo hoo!
Those doors are the land mark I used to use for knowing I was about to
safely zone. Relative to the rest of the place - that is about _maybe_ 5
percent of the dungeon (from zone to double doors.) Maybe 10 percent of the
physical length of the place. And there are lower levels.

Past those double doors is a room with some guards and an overhead ramp that
can have mobs too. Past that room is the first bridge. You would have to
clear 4 or more mobs to cross it. Hehe, but you don't have to cross it - you
can jump off of it! Now days - try not to land in the water cause there are
agro snakes in the water now - blue to me at 37/38. More gnolls below.
More rooms with gnolls. And then there is the old shaman's rooms. This is a
spot where the old Paw named shaman's would spawn. You had to fite your way
in here for a Runed Totem Staff or a Skull of J'hnTrvlta. Not sure what the
drop is here these days but there is a steep flight of stairs going up into
a set of rooms - you charge up and bust open the doors and fite both rooms
at once. We had a party of 11 in 2 groups - a 50, 2 44/45, a 40, and some
misc 30's. Woo Hoo this one's a Necro - ouchie! So now you can camp here
but later you gotta fite your way out - or evac now that you got higher
level spells and powers.

Or if you don't jump, you can go further in and fite some more guards and
such. Soon you come to a series of doors. One of the will lead you to the
prison section and this is where you went for various quests. It has levers
to open jail doors and you had to go into a cell for a quest and the doors
would close behind you. And if you tried it solo - you were trapped!!!
Yikes NO WAY OUT!!! Or is there a secret lever??? Hehe - do you remember the
panic of being trapped in a cell at level 9?

The other doors lead to various other sections of rooms with commanders and
nobles (in the old days - not sure what is in here now.) And one route lead
you to the second bridge. This one was populated by 3 groups of gnolls.
The center group was 6 shamans. When you attacked the others the shamans
would heal and buff the others. Don't you just hate that when you beat a
mob to half hp and all of a sudden his hp is back to ´┐¢?

Past this place was another section that was a maze of walls that once you
found you way to the back was on of the big dungeon bosses G'hanex Drah -
bad necro gnoll. Wonder if the new bosses are staged here. He was guarded
by zombies that would agro on you through closed doors and agro the whole
room. He had a re-incarnate that would spawn somewhere and you had to be
fast to catch him.

In the other section, there was a certain named sha that if you killed him
would spawn a named DE Necro who would roam the whole dungeon agro on
everyone. Later he was changed to a DE Wizzie. I keep looking out on the
plains for the named one that spawns him. Wonder if they moved that AI
outside or if the inside mobs have a really nasty surprise in-store for

Paw was never good for casual pick up groups. You need 2 partys working
together to handle the place. Or be high level such that they don't agro on
you even though you are fighting their buddys 3 feet away. Runnyeye has the
same level linked agro behavior. Paw when you are co-level with the mobs
(or even when they are blue to you) is a hard place. Fight you way in and
either fight your way out - or get gated. Mobs that are linked and work
together to fight you. hard yes - but good hard IMHO.

For me there is more to explore there.

Sylly Songsynger
<Spirit of the Moon>
Bard of the 39th song
somewhere on Innoruuk

p.s. I need at least 2 good groups - wanna come?

p.s.s. there is a route that when you are fighting your way out or running
out that takes you to that top ramp in the room with the double doors. You
can just hop down click the doors, hot key train to zone and you are on your
way <eg>

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Henschel [mailto:tomhenschel@...]
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 2:13 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] 1st Impression of Paw

From: "Tom Henschel" <tomhenschel@...>

Spent a whole night in the new Paw, and thought I would
share my experiences
with everyone. I was only in the old Paw twice, so I had a
sketchy idea of
it (not like some folks who know it inside out). The first
thing i noticed,
was that the layout of the dungeon is awkward for more than
two groups to
use in the first section. The first section is what I
consider to be up to
the double doors. There are 2 places to setup a base, one
being much safer
as it is off the main tunnel to the zone. The gnolls are
linked was the
second thing I noticed. Attack a certain one and you may
get 3. Even if
the other 2 were out of sight. There is a low level caster
in the 1st
portion that casts fear and charm( I tore up a tank with
anthem locked on
and 2 fast weapons).

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