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Message ID: 12159
Date: Thu Dec 23 09:45:54 GMT 1999
Author: John_Senior@xxxxx.xx.xx
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Grrrrrrrr!

Hehe, last time I was in Lower Guk there was a level 50 wiz trying to get
in a group. She had been /ooc'ing for about 25 minutes and then in a last
desperate attempt to get in a group she /ooc'd Trading Exec Axe for place
in a group. She soon got a response after that, and it was funny reading
people's replies. /ooc Heh, I'll boot one of my group and you can join j/k.

Madagan, Bard of 31 songs - Veeshan

PS. Can anyone tell me what level Greater Ice bones are, I was in the
bedroom in L Guk with my group and we had cleared the area. I went round
the corner towards the Assasin room and there were 3 Gtr Ice bones, all
conned red to me at level 30 so I didn't risk pulling them. My group was
made up of 29 Druid, 30 Bard (me), 30 Paladin and 34 Mage (with fire pet).
Would we of been able to take them?

jhenders@... on 22/12/99 17:03:16

Please respond to eqbards@onelist.com

To: eqbards@onelist.com
cc: (bcc: John Senior/M&G)
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: Re: Grrrrrrrr!

From: jhenders@...

Yet Verant insists there's nothing wrong and the servers aren't

On Wed, Dec 22/99, James Schuldes <jgs@...> wrote:
> From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
> Any given nite on Innoruuk:
> (at the Freeport West Gate)
> "Hey what do ya wanna do tonight?"
> "I dunno - wanna go to Erudin? I can buy that song I never got and need
> for my lambent quest."
> "Ya, sure Erudin is cool - I am number 11 on the Sol-B King Room waiting
> list so I don't wanna get too far away..."
> (at the Wiz spires in NK)
> "Hey what do ya wanna do tonight?"
> "I dunno - wanna go to lguk?"
> "Sure lets go loot some Shin Greaves and Gaunts and learn where the Assn
> room is. Last time I was there the 70+ players had it so camped I walked
> totally vis."
> (at T2 in West Karana)
> "Trading Mith BP for Reed Belt!"
> "Trading Yak for FBSS!"
> "Looking for Ruined Circlet - gimme a tell"
> "I need a tele to Gfay - paying 50pp!!"
> "WTB: Banded Armor will pay lots"
> - and sadly this last guy gets no answers
> <sighs>
> Sylly Songsynger
> <Spirit of the Moon>
> Bard of the 39th song
> somewhere on Innoruuk
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Gaines [mailto:dave@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 9:45 AM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: Re: Grrrrrrrr!
> From: Dave Gaines <dave@...>
> SolB is so camped on E'ci the line to get in starts in Nek
> Forest.
> Lower guk live-side is the place you wanna be, much less
> camped.
> I read these posts about clearing all the greater kobolds
> and just
> chuckle.
> If you can get in to SolB, and are able to pull more than 3
> kobolds
> then go for it, I'm sure the birthday man is right.
> Ludvaraman
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
lol@... with the subject submissions.

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
GAT d- -p+(--) c++++ l++ u++ t- m--- W--- !v
b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*

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