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Message ID: 12177
Date: Mon Dec 27 18:43:08 GMT 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Data

At 29th level, I have all the rhythm based songs as well as the Psalm of
Warmth and Vitality. Up until this point, when I want to buff resist rates
because my group is fighting a caster, I have always chosen to sing a Rhythm
based song with drums instead of the Psalms. From my experience, caster
mobs seem to have a restricted spell book, casting no more than 3 or 4
different spells in any combat. Of the 3-4 spells they will cast, it seems
that only two different spell realms will be used, i.e. either magic based
or one of the other areas (i.e. fire/cold/disease/poison). IMO, it seems
safer to hedge your bets and boost resist rates in three realms with the
rhythm series versus only one with the Psalm series. Will that 6 point
difference (Psalm @ 51- Rhythm w/drum @ 45) really make that much of a
difference? It would if the mob only casted spells from one realm but how
often does that happen? This scenario assumes you don't have to tank the
mobs and can equip a drum.

If you are a tank by default and have to equip your weapons, IMO you still
come out better singing a rhythm song instead of a Psalm. You will increase
resist rates by a total of 75 (25 in each realm). Since mob casters tend to
only use two realms of magic, you only get to use 50 of the extra resist
points but that is still on par with what the Psalm will give you (51).

The only time I use a Psalm is to get the damage shield when we are fighting
a melee mob.

Is my rationale on song selection on track or am I missing out on something?

Galtin of E'ci
29 bard

> With the resistance cycles complete in my repertoire, I decided it was
> time to write down a few numbers. Following are quantitative analyses
> from a level 41 bard.
> Psalm cycle:
> Warmth: 51 Cold resist 4ac
> Vitality: 51 Disease resist 4ac
> Cooling: 51 Heat resist 4ac
> Purity: 51 Poison resist 4ac
> Mystic Shielding: 51 Magic resist 4ac
> Rhythms cycle:
> Elemental:
> Sung: 25 Magic/Cold/Heat resist 4ac
> Hand drum: 45 Magic/Cold/Heat resist 8ac
> MM drum: 52 Magic/Cold/Heat resist 9ac
> Purifying:
> Sung: 25 Poison/Disease resist 4ac
> Hand drum: 45 Poison/Disease resist 8ac
> MM drum: 52 Poison/Disease resist 9ac
> Guardian:
> Sung: 25 Magic resist 8ac
> Hand drum: 45 Magic resist 13ac
> MM drum: 52 Magic resist 16ac