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Message ID: 12296
Date: Mon Jan 3 21:45:54 GMT 2000
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Question about experience penalty (OT)

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4 wrote:
> What you described may be 100% true but I don't think it applies to what
> happened to me. Both times I died I was 30th level. The experience loss
> (i.e. visual amount the bar decreased) for getting killed by the green mob
> was definately more than it was for dying to the red mob. Still wondering
> if other people have had similar results.

How much did you lose? I've seen the same thing in hell
levels, and I always figured it was due to roundoff error.
e.g. Say I lose 2.5 pixels of exp per death. First death I go
from 45.9 pixels to 43.4 pixels, or 45->43. Second death I go
from 46.1 pixels to 43.6, or 46->43. The second death looks
like I lost 50% more.

There are also little visual tricks going on depending where
the exp bar is within a bubble - movement near the middle is
not as apparent as movement near the edges. Movement in the
first and last bubbles can be completely masked when the end
of the exp bar is obscured by the little decoration.

I don't think I'll be swayed by these theories unless someone
observes the effect in a level where you lose ~half a bubble
or more per death, and all the deaths in question happened at
abount the same point in exp (e.g. right after you gained a
pixel into the 3rd bubble).

Oh, btw, you DO lose more exp in hell levels + 1. It's not
the same exp loss appearing larger because HL+1 requires less
exp. I died *immediately* after I got level 31, and lost over
a half bubble into 30. I only lost about a quarter bubble
with other deaths at 30.

John H. Kim